What is Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu? - Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu UPSC

A New Species of Frog ‘Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu’ Found in Bengaluru – Complete Details – 10 Key Facts – Top 10 UPSC Questions

What is Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu? Discovery of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu, All details about Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu, Features, characteristics, physical characteristics, UPSC questions, Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu UPSC, Latest News, Updates, Biodiversity, discover, discovery of new species in India,
A New Species of Frog ‘Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu’ Found in Bengaluru – Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu UPSC

A New Species of Frog ‘Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu’ Found in Bengaluru – Complete Details – 10 Key Facts – UPSC Questions

Introduction to Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu UPSC

Recently, a new species of frog has been discovered by researchers in Urban Bengaluru location. This news has highlighted the new discoveries by wildlife researchers.

Those who are preparing for Major competitive examinations in India, needs to be aware of the discoveries like ‘Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu’. If you are also preparing for Major Competitive examinations in India like UPSC, SSC and more, then this blog will help you to understand all the details about this discovery of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu.

So, let’s start-

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What is Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu & Why it is in the News? – Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu UPSC – New Wildlife Discovery in India

Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu is a newly discovered species of burrowing frog thriving in Bengaluru’s urban landscape.

Its name, meaning a genus of frog welcoming rain, is derived from its behavior of emerging from burrows during early showers.

This discovery marks a milestone in biodiversity research, showcasing the adaptability of wildlife in unexpected urban environments. Featured in the news, the frog’s uniqueness challenges preconceptions about species discovery locations.

Recognized for its resilience and adaptation to urban challenges, Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu’s discovery underscores the need for ongoing exploration of urban ecosystems, contributing valuable insights to biodiversity conservation, making it noteworthy for UPSC aspirants.

Source – The Hindu

Description Of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu Species

The descriptions of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu are as followed-

1. Distinctive Appearance

Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu exhibits unique physical characteristics, setting it apart from other frog species.

2. Behavioral Traits

The species is known for its behavior of emerging from burrows, specifically during early showers, earning its name meaning a genus of frog that welcomes rain.

3. Urban Adaptation

Thriving in Bengaluru’s urban landscape, Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu displays remarkable adaptation to the challenges posed by urbanization.

4. Discovery Location

Discovered in Bengaluru, the frog’s presence in an urban environment challenges traditional notions of where new species can be found.

5. Resilience in Urban Ecosystems

The species’ ability to adapt and thrive in unexpected urban ecosystems emphasizes the resilience of wildlife.

6. Lead Researcher’s Encounter

Lead researcher Deepak P stumbled upon this frog species during a routine biodiversity survey in Bengaluru, adding a fascinating discovery element.

7. Naming Significance

The name ‘Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu’ reflects the frog’s behavior and highlights its connection to rain, showcasing its ecological role.

8. Scientific Collaboration

The discovery involved collaboration between national and international organizations, employing advanced genetic analysis, morphological studies, and bioacoustics.

9. Published Findings

The research results on Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu have been published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Zootaxa, contributing valuable information to the scientific community.

Biodiversity of Urban Ecosystem

The biodiversity of urban ecosystems refers to the variety of plant and animal life within city environments. Despite the challenges posed by human development, urban areas can host a surprising array of species. Here are key points about the biodiversity of urban ecosystems:

1. Species Adaptation

Some species have adapted to urban environments, displaying behaviors and characteristics that help them thrive amidst human activities.

2. Green Spaces

Urban parks, gardens, and green spaces play a crucial role in supporting biodiversity by providing habitats, promoting plant growth, and offering refuge for various species.

3. Wildlife Corridors

Creating wildlife corridors or interconnected green spaces in urban planning helps facilitate the movement of species, enhancing genetic diversity and overall ecosystem health.

4. Microhabitats

Urban areas feature diverse microhabitats, such as rooftop gardens, tree-lined streets, and water bodies, offering niches for different species to inhabit.

5. Insect Biodiversity

Urban environments often support a rich diversity of insects, including pollinators like bees and butterflies, contributing to local ecosystem functioning.

6. Bird Diversity

Urban areas can host various bird species, with some adapting to urban landscapes while others migrate through or use city environments for nesting.

7. Amphibians and Reptiles

Certain amphibians and reptiles can be found in urban areas, utilizing ponds, gardens, and other water features as habitats.

8. Microbial Diversity

Soil and water in urban settings harbor diverse microbial communities, playing a vital role in nutrient cycling and maintaining ecological balance.

9. Human-Wildlife Interaction

Urban biodiversity offers opportunities for positive human-wildlife interactions, fostering a sense of connection with nature and promoting conservation awareness.

10. Challenges and Conservation

Urbanization poses threats to biodiversity through habitat loss, pollution, and fragmentation. Conservation efforts aim to mitigate these challenges, emphasizing the importance of preserving urban ecosystems for the well-being of both humans and wildlife.

10 Key Facts about Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu

We have added a set of 10 key facts about

Discovery DateJanuary 31, 2024
Species NameSphaerotheca Varshaabhu
Location of DiscoveryBengaluru, India
Adaptation to Urban EnvironmentDisplays behaviors and physical attributes for navigating urban challenges
Lead ResearcherDr. Deepak P.
SignificanceMilestone in biodiversity research, challenging preconceptions about new species discovery locations
Behavioral CharacteristicEmerges from burrows during early showers
Collaborating InstitutionsMount Carmel College, Zoological Survey of India, JAIN University, and several other national and international entities
Physical CharacteristicsThe Varshaa burrowing frog is medium-sized, reaching about 1.5 inches in length, with robust, stocky bodies, rounded snouts, slightly warty skin, blotchy brown coloring, greenish patches, and small orange spots.
Publication of FindingsPublished in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Zootaxa
Educational InsightHighlights the need for continued exploration of urban ecosystems and biodiversity preservation in areas impacted by humans
10 Key Facts about Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu

FAQs on Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu – Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu UPSC Questions

Question-1: What is Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu?

Answer. Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu is a newly discovered species of burrowing frog found in Bengaluru, known for its unique behaviors and adaptation to urban environments.

Question-2: Where was Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu discovered?

Answer. Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu was discovered thriving in the urban landscape of Bengaluru, India.

Question-3: What is the significance of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu’s discovery?

Answer. The discovery of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu is significant as it marks a milestone in biodiversity research, showcasing the resilience of wildlife in unexpected urban ecosystems.

Question-4: What are the characteristics of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu?

Answer. Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu exhibits distinctive characteristics, particularly its behavior of emerging from burrows during early showers.

Question-5: What are the physical attributes of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu?

Answer. Specific physical attributes of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu are not detailed in the provided information, but the frog is recognized for its unique characteristics that differentiate it from known frog species.

Question-6: Who discovered Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu?

Answer. Dr. Deepak P., the lead researcher, discovered Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu during a routine biodiversity survey in Bengaluru.

Question-7: What are the challenges of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu’s discovery?

Answer. The challenges of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu’s discovery are not explicitly mentioned in the provided information, but the research likely involved complexities related to identifying and documenting a new species.

Question-8: Which institutions collaborated in the discovery of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu?

Answer. Multiple institutions collaborated in the discovery, including Mount Carmel College, Zoological Survey of India, JAIN University, Institute of Systematics, Evolution, Biodiversity, and others.

Question-9: What makes Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu a different frog?

Answer. Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu is distinct due to its unique behaviors, adaptation to urban surroundings, and specific characteristics that set it apart from known frog species, challenging preconceptions about new species locations.

Question-10: Why the discovery of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu will help in UPSC Preparation?

Answer. The discovery of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu is relevant to UPSC preparation as it exemplifies the importance of biodiversity in unexpected urban ecosystems. It showcases the need for ecological awareness and underscores the significance of wildlife conservation. Such real-world examples contribute to a holistic understanding of environmental issues, aligning with UPSC’s focus on current affairs and environmental governance.

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