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Google AI Chatbot ‘Bard’ now has become ‘Gemini’ – Complete Details – 10 Key Facts on Google Gemini

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What is Google Gemini UPSC?

Google AI Chatbot ‘Bard’ now has become ‘Gemini’ – Complete Details – 10 Key Facts on Google Gemini

Introduction to Google Gemini UPSC

Recently, a news circulated that Google AI has rebranded its chatbot ‘Bard’ as ‘Gemini’. We have found these all circulation as correct information. Many of you are unaware about Google’s AI Chatbot ‘Google Bard’. Just for a clarification, Google Bard was a AI Language Model Chatbot which is considered to be a great Competitive of Chat-GPT.

Recently, Google has changed the name of its AI Chatbot model Bard to Gemini. This is also a major development in the field of language model AI or Text Model AI or Generative Pretrained Transformers. If you are preparing for competitive examination in India, then this development might help you to get more knowledge relatable to your exam syllabus of UPSC current affairs.

If you want to know about it more, then in this blog, we have added a comprehensive knowledge about it.

So, Let’s start-

Why Google Gemini is in the news? – Latest News about Google Gemini

Google’s Gemini is in the news as the tech giant Google has announces the rebranding of its AI chatbot Bard to Gemini. Alongside this, Google introduces the advanced tier Ultra, now called Gemini Advanced, emphasizing its evolution beyond mere models to support an entire ecosystem.

Gemini Advanced, based on the Ultra 1.0 model, is touted as Google’s largest and most powerful AI model. This model is expected to offer enhanced capabilities for complex tasks like advanced coding.

The company also unveils the Gemini app on Android and iOS, providing users access to Gemini Advanced. The move signifies Google’s commitment to advancing AI capabilities and expanding its applications across various platforms.

Source The Hindu

What is Google Bard?

Google Bard was an Google’s experimental AI chatbot powered by the LaMDA language model. It was Introduced in March 2023. it aimed to provide conversational search responses and complete creative tasks like writing emails or poems.

Though short-lived, it served as a testing ground for advanced AI features later integrated into other Google products and paved the way for future conversational AI experiences.

What is Google Gemini? – Google AI’s Chatbot ‘Gemini’

Google Gemini is the rebranded version of the AI chatbot Bard. It includes an advanced tier named Gemini Advanced, based on the Ultra 1.0 model. The evolution signifies Google’s commitment to expanding beyond AI models, supporting a broader ecosystem.

Users can access Gemini Advanced through the newly launched Gemini app on Android and iOS. It aims to enhance capabilities for tasks like advanced coding and is available through the Google One AI Premium Plan subscription.

Google plans to integrate Gemini models into various products, expanding its applications in areas such as Workspace and Google Cloud.

Google Gemini Vs Google Bard

We have listed a key comparison between Google Bard and Gemini Below-

Main FocusConversational AIMultimodal Understanding
TechnologyLaMDAPaLM family
StrengthsNatural Language, QAReasoning, Code, Image/Video
ApplicationsCustomer Service, Education, Personal AssistantAI Tools, Intelligent Applications
AccessibilityResearch AccessPrimarily Internal, Future Access TBD
ModalityText, CodeText, Code, Audio, Image, Video
Output TypesText, CodeText, Code, Audio, Image
Learning RateSlowerFaster
Development StageFurther AlongLess Developed
Google Gemini Vs Google Bard

What are Features of Google Gemini? – What Google Gemini Can Do?

Here are some of the key features of Google Gemini:

1. Multimodality: This is Gemini’s most defining feature. It can understand and process various information types, including:

  • Text: Reads and comprehends text across formats like books, articles, code, and chat logs.
  • Images: Analyzes and interprets visual content, understanding objects, scenes, and relationships within images.
  • Audio: Recognizes and translates spoken language in over 100 languages, transcribes recordings, and understands sentiment and tone.
  • Video: Processes and understands video clips, answering questions about content, generating descriptions, and even summarizing key points.
  • Code: Reads, understands, explains, and even generates code in various programming languages like Python, Java, and C++.

2. Reasoning and Explanation: Gemini goes beyond simply processing information. It can:

  • Reason: Use its knowledge and understanding to solve problems, draw conclusions, and make predictions.
  • Explain: Provide clear and concise explanations of its reasoning process, helping users understand its decisions.

3. Advanced Information Retrieval: Gemini excels at navigating information:

  • Search: Quickly finds relevant information across different modalities, offering deeper insights than traditional text searches.
  • Summarization: Creates concise summaries of complex topics, helping users grasp key points efficiently.

4. Creative and Expressive Capabilities: Gemini can be creative and engaging:

  • Storytelling: Generates different creative text formats like poems, scripts, and musical pieces.
  • Dialogue: Holds engaging conversations, adapting its style and tone to different contexts.

5. Technical Prowess: This AI marvel boasts impressive technical abilities:

  • Scalability: Efficiently runs on various devices, from data centers to mobile phones.
  • Customization: Adapts to specific needs and tasks through fine-tuning and optimization.
  • Continuous Learning: Constantly learns and improves based on new data and experiences.

6. Multimodal Generation: Gemini doesn’t just understand different modalities; it can create them:

  • Image Generation: Generates images based on text descriptions or other inputs.
  • Audio Generation: Creates spoken language audio in different voices and styles.

7. Advanced Coding Capabilities: Gemini understands and excels at working with code:

  • Code Analysis: Analyzes existing code, identifying errors and suggesting improvements.
  • Code Generation: Generates new code based on specifications or natural language descriptions.

While these are just some of the highlights, Gemini’s capabilities are constantly evolving, and it’s sure to we can get even more features in the future.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI, launched in November 2022. It uses a large language model (LLM) to generate human-like text, translate languages, write different creative formats, and answer your questions. However, it’s important to note that:

  1. It’s not connected to the internet, limiting its knowledge to information before 2021.
  2. It focuses on creative text formats like poems and scripts, but might not provide up-to-date answers or comprehensive explanations.
  3. It may contain biases based on the data it was trained on.

ChatGPT Vs Google Gemini

We have added the difference between Gemini and Chatgpt below-

FeatureChatGPTGoogle Gemini
FocusConversational AI, creative text formatsMultimodal understanding, reasoning, code generation
TechnologyGPT-3.5PaLM family
StrengthsNatural language generation, creative writingReasoning, code analysis, image/video understanding
ModalityTextText, code, audio, image, video
AccessibilityPublicly availableLimited internal use, future access TBD
KnowledgeLimited to pre-2021 informationUp-to-date information
ReasoningLimitedAdvanced ability to reason and explain
CodeNo code understanding or generationDeep understanding and capabilities for code analysis and generation
Images/VideoNo understanding or generationCan analyze and understand images/videos, potentially generate them in the future
ScalabilitySuitable for individual usersHandles larger, more complex workloads
PersonalizationCan be customized through API and promptsPrimarily internally focused, customization options unclear
Development StageMature and widely usedUnder development, evolving rapidly
Creative Text FormatsExcels in formats like poems and scriptsMay offer creative text generation in the future
Learning RateSlowerFaster
Future GoalsEnhance conversation and explanation skillsAdvance towards general intelligence
ChatGPT Vs Google Gemini

What are 5 Drawbacks of Google Gemini?

Google Gemini is Currently Evolving, but still, it has some drawbacks. We have added them below-

1. Limited Accessibility

While Google tells a lot about Gemini’s potential, it remains largely behind closed doors. Currently, external access of Gemini is unavailable. This drawback restricting its impact and hindering the development of various AI applications that could benefit from its multimodal capabilities.

2. Black Box Mystery

Gemini provides explanations for its outputs, but the intricacies of its reasoning process often remain shrouded in mystery. This lack of transparency raises concerns about potential biases and fairness issues. Users might be left wondering why the model made a certain decision, making it difficult to trust its outcomes fully.

3. Data Demands and Computing Crunch

Running a powerhouse like Gemini is no small feat. It likely requires hefty computational resources and access to massive datasets, potentially limiting its scalability and adoption for wider use. This raises questions about the feasibility of integrating Gemini into everyday applications, especially for individuals or smaller organizations.

4. Real-World Disconnect

While Gemini shines in the realm of logic and reasoning, it hasn’t quite grasped the nuances of the real world. It lacks the common sense and lived experience that humans possess, which could lead to misinterpretations or limitations in tasks requiring such knowledge. Imagine explaining traffic laws or cultural norms to an AI that has never stepped outside a data center!

5. Ethical Crossroads

The sheer power of Gemini comes with inherent ethical concerns. Potential misuse or manipulation of its capabilities could have significant consequences. Robust safeguards and clear ethical guidelines are crucial to ensure responsible development and application of this technology. We must prioritize using Gemini for good, avoiding the pitfalls of bias and unintended harm.

Key Facts about Google Gemini

These are the key facts of Google Gemini-

Launched / Rebranded8th of February 2024
FocusMultimodal understanding, reasoning, code generation, content creation
TechnologyPaLM family of models
StrengthsAdvanced reasoning, code analysis, image/video understanding
ModalityText, code, audio, image, video
Output TypesText, code, audio, image (potential future)
Development StageUnder development, evolving rapidly
AccessibilityPrimarily internal use at Google, future external access TBD
ReasoningSophisticated reasoning techniques, adapts to new situations
GeneralizationApplies learned knowledge to novel situations
Learning RateFaster than Bard model
ScalabilityHandles large, complex workloads
CustomizationInternal focus, future options unclear
ApplicationsDeveloping AI-powered tools, building intelligent applications
Creative Text FormatsMay offer capabilities in the future
Code Analysis & GenerationDeep understanding and capabilities
Image/Video Understanding & GenerationAnalysis capabilities, potential future generation
World ModelInternal representation of the world, enabling better real-world reasoning
Comparison to BardDistinct focus, complementary strengths
Future GoalsAdvance towards sophisticated intelligence tasks
Key Facts about Google Gemini

FAQs on Google Gemini – UPSC Questions on Google Gemini

Question-1: What is Google Gemini?

Answer. Google Gemini is like a super-brain understanding text, code, images, and video! Gemini’s a powerful AI model tackling complex tasks from code analysis to writing summaries.

Question-2: When was Gemini launched?

Answer. While under wraps, initial development started in December 2023. Public availability details about full access of Gemini are still to be announced. However, people can use a chatbot model for now which is publically available from 8th of February 2024.

Question-3: Is Bard now Gemini?

Answer. No, Bard and Gemini are distinct AI models with different focuses. Bard excels in conversational AI and explanation, while Gemini shines in multimodal understanding and reasoning.

Question-4: How is Gemini different from Bard?

Answer.  Both are different. We can understand it like this: Bard’s a great conversationalist, while Gemini’s a multitalented expert. Bard handles language best, while Gemini understands code, images, and even video!

Question-5: Was Bard better than Gemini?

Answer. Absolutely not! Bard helps you chat and explain, while Gemini tackles complex tasks, making them complementary, not comparable.

Question-6: What does Google Gemini mean?

Answer. In Roman mythology, Gemini represents the twins. Similar to the two-faced coin, Gemini symbolizes the diverse skills and perspectives this AI model possesses.

Question-7: What tasks can Gemini perform?

Answer. There are many tasks which can be perform by Gemini from now. From analyzing code to understanding images and even writing summaries, Gemini’s a multi-talented AI, assisting with complex tasks across various modalities.

Question-8: How can I use Google Gemini?

Answer. Currently, Gemini is primarily used internally at Google, and external access is yet to be determined. Stay tuned for future updates!

Question-9: Is Google Gemini expensive to use?

Answer. As it’s not yet publicly available, pricing details are unknown. However, its focus is on development and building AI tools, not individual user access.

Question-10: Is Gemini just an advanced Bard?

Answer. Not quite! While both are AI models, they have distinct goals and strengths. Bard focuses on conversation and explanation, while Gemini tackles advanced reasoning and code generation.

Question-11: Will Gemini take my job?

Answer. It’s important to remember AI like Gemini is here to assist, not replace. They can automate tasks, freeing up time for human creativity and innovation.

Question-12: How does Gemini learn?

Answer. Like many AI models, Gemini learns through massive datasets and interacting with the world (in its own simulated way). This training helps it continuously improve its abilities.

Question-13: Can Gemini create images?

Answer. While analyzing images is already a strength, generating them is a potential future capability. We’ll have to wait and see what it can create!

Question-14: Can Gemini create videos or audio?

Answer. Similar to images, video and audio generation are potential future capabilities. It’s an exciting area of development for this versatile AI.

Question-15: Is Gemini a generative AI model?

Answer. Yes! Gemini can generate text, code, and potentially even future modalities like images and audio, making it a true generative AI model with diverse capabilities.

Question-16: What is a generative AI model?

Answer. Generative AI models like Gemini use their knowledge to create new things, whether it’s text, code, or even visual and audio forms. They learn from existing data and use their understanding to produce new outputs.

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