Top Space Mission in 2024 Precrack

Top 6 Space Missions in 2024 – Know About Best Space Mission in 2024 with PreCrack

Top 6 Space Missions in 2024, Top Space Missions in 2024, Revolutionary Space Missions in 2024, Europa Clipper Mission, Artemis II Mission, VIPER Space Mission, Lunar Trailblazer and PRIME-1 Mission, JAXA’s Martian Moon Exploration Mission, ESA’s Hera mission, Top Space Missions Precrack, Precrack, precrack,
Top 6 Space Missions in 2024 – PreCrack

Top 6 Space Missions in 2024 – PreCrack


World is taking many steps in forward direction aiming the comprehensive development in Space Science and Space Technology. The year 2024 will be too Technatic for the same reason.

At many points in the world, there are some remarkable space missions are waiting to be launched. Knowing about those top space missions in 2024 will increase our knowledge about Space Science.

This is why, In this blog, we will tell you about Top 6 Space Missions in 2024. If you are also excited to know about top space mission in 2024, then this blog is for you.

So, let’s start-

Top 6 Space Missions in 2024

We have listed the Top 6 Space Missions of 2024 Below. Also, we have added the complete details of Top 6 Space Missions in 2024-

  1. Europa Clipper (Official Website)
  2. Artemis II launch (Official Website)
  3. VIPER to hunt water on the moon (Official Website)
  4. Lunar Trailblazer and PRIME-1 (Official Website)
  5. JAXA’s Martian Moon eXploration (Official Website)
  6. ESA’s Hera mission (Official Website)

Details about Top 6 Space Missions in 2024

We have explained and elaborate each of these Top 6 Space Missions in 2024 below. We have added information about the mission, objectives, payloads, benefits, 10 key facts and cost of each Top 6 Space Missions in 2024.

1. Europa Clipper

What is Europa Clipper Mission? – 1st of Top 6 Space Missions in 2024

Europa Clipper is a NASA mission set to explore Jupiter’s moon, Europa. The spacecraft aims to investigate Europa’s potential habitability by studying its icy shell, geology, and subsurface ocean. It will conduct approximately 50 flybys to analyze the moon’s surface and search for signs of extraterrestrial life.

Objectives of this mission

  • Study Europa’s icy shell composition.
  • Investigate the moon’s subsurface ocean.
  • Examine surface geology and features.
  • Search for active geysers on Europa.
  • Assess the potential habitability of Europa’s ocean.

Payloads of this mission

  1. Ice Penetrating Radar
  2. Mass Spectrometer
  3. Imaging System
  4. Thermal Instrument
  5. Magnetometer
  6. Plasma Instrument

Benefits of Europa Clipper mission

  1. Unraveling Europa’s habitability potential.
  2. Advancing astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial life.
  3. Enhancing our understanding of icy moons in the solar system.
  4. Providing insights into planetary formation and evolution.
  5. Contributing to future exploration missions by identifying key resources.

10 Key facts about Europa Clipper mission

We have added the 10 key facts about Europa Clipper mission below-

Launch WindowOctober 10, 2024 – 21 days duration
Launch VehicleSpaceX Falcon Heavy
Arrival at Jupiter SystemEstimated in 2030
Flybys PlannedApproximately 50
Primary ObjectivesStudy Europa’s subsurface ocean and habitability
Key InstrumentsIce Penetrating Radar, Mass Spectrometer, Imaging System, Thermal Instrument, Magnetometer, Plasma Instrument
Mission TypeFlagship (Large-scale)
Scientific ImportancePotential for discovering extraterrestrial life
Mission DurationOngoing scientific observations after arrival
CollaborationsNASA-led mission with contributions from multiple institutions
10 Key facts about Europa Clipper mission

Cost of Europa Clipper Mission

The Europa Clipper mission, recommended by the National Research Council in 2013, saw its cost estimate increase from US$2 billion in 2013 to US$4.25 billion in 2020. The joint project involves collaboration between Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

2. Artemis II Mission

What is Artemis II Mission? – 2nd of Top 6 Space Missions in 2024

Artemis II Mission is a pivotal NASA mission within the Artemis program, aiming to return humans to the Moon. Following the uncrewed Artemis I mission, Artemis II is the first crewed step, with four astronauts aboard for a 10-day mission to orbit the Moon before returning to Earth.

Objectives of this mission

  • Validate spacecraft systems with crew onboard.
  • Orbit the Moon to test lunar operations.
  • Prepare for future Artemis missions, including lunar landings.
  • Advance human space exploration capabilities.
  • Contribute to long-term space presence and Mars preparation.

Payloads of this mission

  1. Orion spacecraft with crew module.
  2. Various scientific instruments for lunar observations.
  3. Essential life support and safety systems.

Benefits of Artemis II mission

  1. Human validation of spacecraft systems.
  2. Pioneering crewed missions beyond Earth orbit.
  3. Critical testing for lunar exploration technologies.
  4. Building experience for future lunar landings.
  5. Progressing towards the goal of crewed missions to Mars.

10 Key facts about Artemis II mission

We have added the 10 Key facts about Artemis II mission below-

Launch WindowNovember 2024 (planned)
Launch VehicleSLS (Space Launch System)
CrewFour astronauts
Duration10-day mission
PredecessorArtemis I (uncrewed)
Lunar OperationsOrbits the Moon
Technology TestingValidates spacecraft systems
Mars PreparationPart of NASA’s plan for crewed Mars missions
Human PresenceAdvances sustained human presence in space
Lunar ExplorationContributes to the Artemis program for lunar exploration
10 Key facts about Artemis II mission

Cost of Artemis II Mission

Artemis II, scheduled for a November 2024 launch, faces a substantial budget challenge. According to a 2021 NASA Inspector General report, each launch of the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket will cost around $4.1 billion. However, a 2023 report indicates a $6 billion cost increase, projecting at least $13.1 billion over 25 years.

3. VIPER to hunt water on the moon

What is VIPER Space Mission? – 3rd of Top 6 Space Missions in 2024

VIPER (Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover) is a NASA mission set to explore the Moon’s south pole in late 2024. This golf cart-sized robot aims to search for volatiles, including water and carbon dioxide, crucial for potential human exploration. VIPER will navigate extreme lunar conditions during its 100-day mission.

Objectives of this mission

  • Investigate volatiles like water at the lunar south pole.
  • Understand the distribution of lunar resources.
  • Provide crucial data for future human exploration.
  • Test and demonstrate advanced rover technologies.
  • Contribute to sustainable lunar exploration goals.

Payloads of this mission

  1. Scientific instruments for analyzing lunar soil.
  2. Batteries, heat pipes, and radiators for thermal regulation.
  3. Advanced navigation systems for lunar terrain.

Benefits of VIPER mission

  1. Identifying lunar resources for potential human use.
  2. Supporting future crewed missions to the Moon.
  3. Demonstrating advanced robotic exploration technologies.
  4. Advancing our understanding of lunar geology.
  5. Contributing to the development of sustainable space exploration practices.

10 Key Facts about VIPER Mission

We have added the 10 key Facts about VIPER Mission below-

Launch DateNovember 2024 (planned)
Mission Duration100 days
SizeGolf cart-sized rover
Exploration AreaLunar south pole
PurposeHunt for lunar water and volatiles
TechnologyAdvanced navigation and thermal systems
ImportanceSupports future human lunar exploration
Lunar SustainabilityContributes to long-term lunar exploration goals
Launch VehicleCommercial Lunar Payload Services program
CollaborationAstrobotic (private company) developed the lander system
10 Key Facts about VIPER Mission

Cost of VIPER Mission

Initially estimated at US$250 million in October 2019, the VIPER mission’s lifecycle cost increased to US$433.5 million, as confirmed by NASA on March 3, 2021. Recently approved for the development phase, VIPER’s operational cost reflects the expenses associated with its exploration and resource-prospecting objectives.

4. Lunar Trailblazer and PRIME-1

What is Lunar Trailblazer and PRIME-1 Mission? – 4th of Top 6 Space Missions in 2024

Lunar Trailblazer, part of NASA’s SIMPLEx program, aims to orbit the Moon and map surface temperatures while detecting water molecules. PRIME-1, a rideshare mission, is a lunar drill test. Both missions contribute to understanding lunar water distribution, with Lunar Trailblazer focusing on orbital observations and PRIME-1 testing the drilling technology.

Objectives of Lunar Trailblazer

  • Orbit the Moon to map surface temperatures.
  • Identify and map water molecules across the lunar surface.
  • Contribute to the understanding of lunar water distribution.
  • Utilize a cost-effective, rideshare approach for planetary exploration.
  • Support future lunar exploration missions.

Objectives of PRIME-1  

  • Test the lunar drilling technology.
  • Conduct a drill test in preparation for future missions.
  • Gather data on the lunar subsurface.
  • Validate the drilling approach for extracting samples.
  • Contribute to lunar exploration by preparing for resource utilization.

Payloads of Lunar Trailblazer

  1. Imaging spectrometer for temperature mapping.
  2. Spectrometer for detecting water and other molecules.

Payloads of PRIME-1

  1. Drilling system for lunar subsurface.
  2. Instruments for analyzing drilled samples.
  3. Benefits of Lunar Trailblazer and PRIME-1 missions (5 benefits each):

Benefits of Lunar Trailblazer

  1. Provides detailed orbital maps of lunar water distribution.
  2. Enhances our understanding of lunar surface temperatures.
  3. Contributes valuable data for planning future lunar exploration.
  4. Cost-effective planetary exploration through rideshare.
  5. Advances technology for remote sensing of lunar resources.

Benefits of PRIME-1

  1. Validates lunar drilling technology for future missions.
  2. Gathers critical data on the lunar subsurface.
  3. Prepares for resource utilization in lunar exploration.
  4. Advances drilling techniques for planetary exploration.
  5. Supports the development of sustainable lunar exploration practices.

10 Key facts about Lunar Trailblazer and PRIME-1 missions

We have added the 10 key facts about both Lunar Trailblazer and PRIME-1 missions below-

Launch TimingDependent on primary payload readiness
Mission TypeLunar Trailblazer – Orbital; PRIME-1 – Rideshare
ObjectivesLunar Trailblazer – Orbital temperature mapping and water detection; PRIME-1 – Lunar drilling technology test
InstrumentsLunar Trailblazer – Imaging and spectrometer; PRIME-1 – Drilling system and analytical instruments
Launch WindowLunar Trailblazer – Early 2024 (dependent on primary payload); PRIME-1 – Mid-2024 (dependent on earlier launches)
CollaborationNASA-led missions with contributions from multiple institutions
ContributionLunar Trailblazer – Orbital observations for lunar water; PRIME-1 – Validates lunar drilling for resource extraction
TechnologyLunar Trailblazer – Remote sensing; PRIME-1 – Drilling technology
Exploration AreaLunar Trailblazer – Lunar orbit; PRIME-1 – Lunar surface
ImportanceLunar Trailblazer – Contributes to understanding lunar water; PRIME-1 – Advances lunar drilling technology
10 Key facts about Lunar Trailblazer and PRIME-1 missions

Cost of Lunar Trailblazer Mission

As of November 10, 2022, the Lunar Trailblazer project exceeded its original cap, with a cost of $72 million. This represents a 30% increase, emphasizing the financial challenges associated with lunar exploration and the complexities of budget management in space missions.

5. JAXA’s Martian Moon Exploration Mission

What is JAXA’s Martian Moon Exploration Mission? – 5th of Top 6 Space Missions in 2024

JAXA’s MMX mission aims to study Mars’ moons, Phobos and Deimos, to unravel their origin. Set for launch around September 2024, the spacecraft will conduct science operations around Mars for three years, including landing on Phobos to collect samples and determine whether the moons are captured asteroids or formed from Mars’ orbiting debris.

Objectives of this mission

  • Determine the origin of Mars’ moons, Phobos and Deimos.
  • Conduct science operations around Mars.
  • Observe and analyze Phobos and Deimos in detail.
  • Land on Phobos to collect surface samples.
  • Contribute to understanding Martian moon formation and evolution.

Payloads of this mission

  1. Instruments for observing Phobos and Deimos.
  2. Sampling equipment for collecting surface samples.
  3. Imaging systems for detailed analysis.

Benefits of MMX mission

  1. Unraveling the mystery of Mars’ moon origins.
  2. Providing insights into the formation of planetary moons.
  3. Enhancing our understanding of the Martian system.
  4. Advancing sample return missions from planetary moons.
  5. Contributing to broader knowledge about the evolution of the solar system.

10 Key facts about MMX mission

We have added the 10 key facts about MMX mission below-

Launch TimingAround September 2024
Launch VehicleJAXA’s H3 rocket
Mission DurationApproximately 3 years
Target MoonsPhobos and Deimos
Science OperationsObservations, analysis, and sample collection
Sampling TechnologyEquipment for collecting surface samples
Origin InvestigationAssessing whether moons are captured asteroids or formed from debris
Imaging CapabilitiesHigh-resolution imaging for detailed analysis
Return to EarthCollecting and returning surface samples
CollaborationJAXA-led mission with international scientific contributions
10 Key facts about MMX mission

Cost of JAXA’s Martian Moon Exploration (MMX) Mission

JAXA’s MMX mission, projected to cost $417 million, is set to explore Mars’ moons, Phobos and Deimos. The mission, scheduled for a September 2024 launch and Earth return in 2029, reflects the financial investment required for deep-space exploration and the pursuit of understanding Martian moon origins.

6. ESA’s Hera Mission

What is ESA’s Hera Mission? – 6th of Top 6 Space Missions in 2024

ESA’s Hera mission is designed to return to the Didymos-Dimorphos asteroid system, previously visited by NASA’s DART mission. Launching in October 2024, Hera aims to study the physical properties of these asteroids, focusing on the effects of DART’s kinetic impact. The mission contributes to planetary defense research by testing asteroid deflection techniques.

Objectives of this mission

  • Study the Didymos-Dimorphos asteroid system.
  • Analyze the physical properties of Dimorphos.
  • Assess the impact and deflection caused by NASA’s DART mission.
  • Contribute to planetary defense research.
  • Test the kinetic impact technique for altering an asteroid’s path.

Payloads of this mission

  1. Instruments for analyzing the asteroids’ physical properties.
  2. Imaging systems for detailed observations.
  3. Equipment to assess changes in the asteroids’ orbits.

Benefits of Hera mission

  1. Advances understanding of asteroid system dynamics.
  2. Provides valuable data on asteroid physical properties.
  3. Contributes to planetary defense strategies.
  4. Validates the kinetic impact technique for asteroid deflection.
  5. Enhances preparedness for potential Earth-threatening asteroids.

10 Key facts about Hera mission

We have added 10 key facts about ESA’s Hera mission below-

Launch DateOctober 2024
Launch VehicleTo be confirmed
TargetDidymos-Dimorphos asteroid system
PurposeStudy physical properties and effects of DART impact
CollaborationEuropean Space Agency (ESA) mission
PredecessorNASA’s DART mission in 2022
Deflection TechniqueTesting the kinetic impact method
DurationMission timeline to be determined
Scientific ImportanceAdvancing planetary defense research
Technology ValidationHera’s impact study validates asteroid deflection techniques
10 Key facts about Hera mission

Cost of ESA’s Hera Mission

The Hera mission, part of the European Space Agency’s budget plan for 2022-2027, holds an overall budget of €6 billion. This financial commitment underlines the substantial resources allocated to the mission, emphasizing its significance in advancing planetary defense research and testing asteroid deflection techniques.

FAQs about Top 6 Space Missions in 2024 / Top Space Missions in 2024

Question: Why is Europa Clipper exploring Jupiter’s moon, Europa?

Answer. Europa Clipper aims to investigate the potential habitability of Europa’s subsurface ocean, studying its icy shell, surface geology, and searching for signs of extraterrestrial life.

Question: When is Europa Clipper set to launch?

Answer. The launch window for Europa Clipper opens on October 10, 2024, with a 21-day duration. The spacecraft will launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket.

Question: How many flybys is Europa Clipper planning around Europa?

Answer. Europa Clipper plans to conduct approximately 50 flybys of Jupiter’s moon Europa to gather detailed data on its surface, geology, and subsurface ocean.

Question: What key instruments are aboard Europa Clipper?

Answer. The spacecraft is equipped with instruments such as Ice Penetrating Radar, Mass Spectrometer, Imaging System, Thermal Instrument, Magnetometer, and Plasma Instrument.

Question: What is the significance of Europa Clipper for future space exploration?

Answer. Europa Clipper will provide crucial insights into ocean worlds and may reshape our understanding of habitable environments beyond Earth, laying the groundwork for future exploration.

Question: What is the primary objective of Artemis II?

Answer. Artemis II is a crewed mission orbiting the Moon, validating spacecraft systems, testing lunar operations, and preparing for future Artemis missions, including lunar landings.

Question: When is Artemis II scheduled for launch?

Answer. Artemis II is planned for launch in November 2024, though there is a chance it could be pushed back to 2025 depending on readiness factors.

Question: How many astronauts are planned for Artemis II?

Answer. Four astronauts are planned to be on board during the 10-day Artemis II mission.

Question: What is the significance of the Space Launch System (SLS) for Artemis II?

Answer. The SLS, the world’s most powerful rocket, is essential for launching Artemis missions. Each SLS launch for Artemis is estimated to cost around $4.1 billion.

Question: How does Artemis II contribute to Mars exploration?

Answer. Artemis II represents a crucial step in NASA’s plan to send humans to Mars by advancing technology, gaining lunar experience, and building a foundation for future deep-space missions.

Question: What is VIPER’s main objective on the Moon’s south pole?

Answer. VIPER, the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover, aims to search for volatiles, including water and carbon dioxide, at the Moon’s south pole to support future human exploration.

Question: When is VIPER scheduled to launch, and what is its mission duration?

Answer. VIPER is scheduled for launch in November 2024, and its mission is expected to last 100 days on the lunar surface.

Question: What are the main challenges VIPER will face during its mission?

Answer. VIPER will navigate extreme lunar conditions, from the heat of lunar daylight (224°F) to the frigid shadowed regions (-240°C).

Question: Why is VIPER’s mission crucial for future lunar exploration?

Answer. VIPER’s mission will provide key data on lunar volatiles, which are essential resources for sustaining human presence on the Moon.

Question: How much does the VIPER mission cost?

Answer. The operational cost for VIPER is $433.5 million, covering the development, launch, and execution of the rover’s exploration mission.

Question: What is the primary objective of Lunar Trailblazer?

Answer. Lunar Trailblazer aims to orbit the Moon, measuring surface temperatures, and mapping the locations of water molecules across the lunar globe.

Question: How does Lunar Trailblazer differ from VIPER’s mission?

Answer. While VIPER lands on the Moon’s surface to study specific areas in detail, Lunar Trailblazer orbits, providing a global perspective on lunar water distribution.

Question: Why was Lunar Trailblazer designated as a secondary payload?

Answer. Lunar Trailblazer is part of NASA’s SIMPLEx program, utilizing a rideshare approach to achieve cost-effective planetary exploration.

Question: What challenges has the Lunar Trailblazer project faced?

Answer. As of November 10, 2022, the project cost has exceeded the original cap, presenting financial challenges in managing the mission’s budget.

Question: How does PRIME-1 contribute to Lunar Trailblazer’s mission?

Answer. PRIME-1, a test run for VIPER’s drill, is a secondary payload on Lunar Trailblazer’s mission, contributing to the understanding of lunar subsurface and drilling technologies.

Question: What is the main objective of JAXA’s MMX mission?

Answer. MMX aims to study Mars’ moons, Phobos and Deimos, to determine their origin – whether captured asteroids or formed from Mars’ orbiting debris.

Question: How much is the projected cost of JAXA’s MMX mission?

Answer. JAXA’s MMX mission is projected to cost $417 million, reflecting the financial investment required for deep-space exploration.

Question: When is JAXA’s MMX mission scheduled to launch and return to Earth?

Answer. The MMX mission is scheduled to launch in September 2024 and return to Earth in 2029, after conducting science operations around Mars for three years.

Question: Why is understanding the origin of Mars’ moons important?

Answer. Determining whether Phobos and Deimos are captured asteroids or formed from Mars’ orbiting debris provides crucial insights into Martian moon formation and evolution.

Question: What are the key features of JAXA’s MMX spacecraft?

Answer. The MMX spacecraft is equipped with instruments for observing Phobos and Deimos, sampling equipment for collecting surface samples, and imaging systems for detailed analysis.

Question: What is the overall budget for ESA’s Hera mission?

Answer. The overall budget for the Hera mission is €6 billion for the period 2022-2027, underlining the substantial resources allocated to the mission.

Question: What is the primary focus of ESA’s Hera mission?

Answer. ESA’s Hera mission aims to study the Didymos-Dimorphos asteroid system, specifically focusing on the effects of NASA’s DART mission’s kinetic impact.

Question: How does Hera contribute to planetary defense research?

Answer. Hera contributes to planetary defense research by testing asteroid deflection techniques, specifically validating the kinetic impact method.

Question: When is Hera scheduled to launch, and what is its mission duration?

Answer. Hera is set to launch in October 2024 and will make its way to the Didymos and Dimorphos asteroids, studying their physical properties.

Question: How does Hera build upon NASA’s DART mission?

Answer. While DART tested the kinetic impact technique on the asteroids, Hera focuses on studying the altered orbits and physical properties resulting from DART’s impact.

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