What is Collegium System UPSC? - What is the Collegium System in Indian Judiciary?

What is the Collegium System in Indian Judiciary? Details about Collegium System, Meaning of Collegium System, background, evolution, first judge case, second judge case, third judge case, fourth judge case, key components, objective, needs, Features, benefits, how it works? Structure of Collegium System, Constitutional Backing to the Collegium System, member of collegium, pros and cons of Collegium System, criticism and drawbacks, limitation, alternatives, national judicial appointment commission (NJAC), why NJAC struck down? NJAC Vs Collegium, supreme court collegium upsc, Key Points about Collegium System in Indian Judiciary, Collegium System UPSC Questions / MCQs

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What is Integrated Teachers Education Programme UPSC

What is Integrated Teacher Education Programme? Complete details about Integrated Teacher Education Programme, Integrated Teacher Education Programme UPSC, objectives, need, background, key features, salient features, key points, benefits. Universities providing ITEP Courses, Criticism, Challenges, Key Facts about Integrated Teacher Education Programme, FAQs, Integrated Teacher Education Programme UPSC Questions

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What is Interpol? Interpol UPSC

Precrack, What is Interpol? Complete details about Interpol, Why is Interpol in the news? Interpol Explained, full form of Interpol, Interpol UPSC, History, background, Objectives, constitution, Methodology, Emblem, Finances, tasks of Interpol, what Interpol do, member countries of Interpol, list of crimes Interpol works on or stop, Jurisdiction of Interpol, different types of notices issued by Interpol, key facts about Interpol, Interpol UPSC Questions

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