India Maldives Controversy

Maldives on their Knees, 3 Ministers Suspended! – How Maldives Controversy will help you for your UPSC Preparation?

Maldives on their Knees, 3 Ministers Suspended! – How Maldives Controversy will help you for your UPSC Preparation?


India Maldives Controversy Explained – Recently, to promote tourism in India, PM Narendra Modi Visits Lakshadweep Island. Also, on Social media Platform X (Previously known for Twitter), shared their Lakshadweep Visit Photos and also promoted the Tourism in Indian islands. Subsequently, people supported that visit and commenting about visiting and exploring nature with Indian own lands or islands rather than paying in aother country.

From nowhere, Maldivians considered it as a competition with Maldives and start making bad comments about India, PM Modi and doing racist remarks on India. Indians retaliated it with Trending #BoycottMadives on their all social media platform mainly on X.

This Maldives controversy led many geopolitical and internal effects with both Maldives and India. In this blog, we have added everything about this Maldives controversy. After reading this blog, you don’t have to visit any platform to know about this controversy and also, is dedicated to provide UPSC Preparation Materials, that is why, we have added that How Maldives Controversy will help you for your UPSC Preparation.

So, let’s start-

What is Maldives Controversy? – What is India-Maldives Controversy?

The Maldives controversy revolves around an Instagram post by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 5. Modi shared an idyllic image of himself on a beach in Lakshadweep. With this visit of PM Modi, he was inviting adventure seekers to explore the picturesque region.

However, the seemingly innocuous post triggered a dispute between India and the Maldives when three Maldivian deputy ministers from the Ministry of Youth Affairs—Malsha Shareef, Mahzoom Majid, and Maryam Shuina—responded with derogatory comments about Modi and insinuations about India’s connections to Israel.

Maryam Shuina, in particular, linked India to Israel on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), while her colleagues suggested that Modi’s visit to Lakshadweep aimed to undermine the Maldives’ tourism industry.

The Maldives government clarified that the officials’ comments were personal opinions, emphasizing its commitment to freedom of expression handled responsibly.

The controversy extended beyond diplomatic channels, impacting social media discussions. Indian celebrities and public figures expressed support for domestic tourism, lauding the beauty of Indian islands.

Meanwhile, reports emerged of Indian tourists canceling their Maldives holiday bookings in response to the controversy. The incident highlights the intersection of social media, diplomatic relations, and the economic impact on the tourism sector in both nations.

#BoycottMaldives is trending in India due to a controversy sparked by derogatory comments made by three Maldivian officials in response to an Instagram post by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The officials, identified as deputy ministers from the Ministry of Youth Affairs in the Maldives—Malsha Shareef, Mahzoom Majid, and Maryam Shuina—made negative remarks about Modi’s visit to Lakshadweep, a scenic region in southern India.

The comments included calling Modi a “clown,” a “terrorist,” and a “puppet of Israel.” This prompted swift action from the Maldives government, which suspended the officials and clarified that their statements were personal opinions and did not represent the official stance of the Maldivian government.

In response to the derogatory remarks, Indian citizens, celebrities, and influencers initiated the #BoycottMaldives trend on social media. The hashtag gained traction as Indians expressed their displeasure with the comments and called for a boycott of travel to the Maldives. Indian tourists & celebrities including actors like Akshay Kumar and others, shared their canceled bookings to the Maldives under the hashtag, urging fellow citizens to explore domestic travel destinations instead.

The trend reflects a collective sentiment among Indians to express solidarity and showcase the economic impact of such statements on the Maldives’ tourism industry, which heavily relies on Indian visitors. The controversy has ignited discussions about promoting local tourism and exploring Indian destinations, as evident in the concurrent rise of hashtags like #ChaloLakshadweep and #ExploreIndianIslands on social media platforms.

What Racist Comments Maldives did?

The controversy involving Maldives and India stems from racist comments made by three Maldivian officials in response to an Instagram post by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The officials, identified as deputy ministers from the Ministry of Youth Affairs in the Maldives—Malsha Shareef, Mahzoom Majid, and Maryam Shuina—engaged in derogatory language and personal attacks against Prime Minister Modi.

Maryam Shuina, one of the officials, went a step further by linking India to Israel in a post on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter). The comments included calling Modi a “clown,” a “terrorist,” and a “puppet of Israel.” Such remarks not only constituted a direct attack on the Indian Prime Minister but also employed racially insensitive language, ascribing negative stereotypes and attributions to him.

Mariyam Shiuna Deleted Tweet

These racist comments not only violated diplomatic decorum but also sparked outrage among Indian citizens, celebrities, and public figures. The Maldives government, recognizing the severity of the situation, swiftly took action by suspending the three officials.

In response to the offensive remarks, the hashtag #BoycottMaldives trended on social media in India, reflecting a widespread sentiment among Indians to condemn racism and express their displeasure by advocating for a boycott of travel to the Maldives.

 The incident has highlighted the significance of diplomatic relations, the impact of social media in shaping public opinion, and the consequences of racially insensitive remarks on international discourse.

Why PM Modi Visited Lakshadweep?

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Lakshadweep, a group of islands in the Laccadive Sea off the southwestern coast of India, to promote the region and encourage tourism. His visit aimed to showcase the natural beauty, cultural richness, and tourism potential of Lakshadweep.

The Prime Minister’s decision to share his experience through social media, particularly on Instagram, was part of an effort to boost domestic tourism and highlight lesser-known destinations within India.

In his Instagram post on January 5, 2024, Prime Minister Modi shared pictures of himself snorkeling and walking along the beaches of Lakshadweep. The caption encouraged adventure enthusiasts to consider adding Lakshadweep to their travel list.

The picturesque images and positive description were intended to attract tourists and promote Lakshadweep as a desirable destination for both domestic and international travelers.

Maldives Bad Comment on PM Modi & India

However, some of major derogatory remarks by Maldives Ministers are deleted and can be found on X-Deleted Section. Here, we have embedded a few of bad comments by Maldivians on PM Modi & India below-

Response from India

Other Responses

How Bad #BoycottMaldives Impacted Maldives?

This #BoycottMaldives Trend has been impacted Maldives so hard. Till now, More than 9000 hotel bookings have been cancelled in Maldives. More than 3500 flight tickets have been cancelled. And, Indians are still saying that Maldivians should know that we Indians can impact them hard. However, This is just a start, that boycott will hurt Maldives more.

Why Maldives Suspended their 3 Ministers?

The Maldives government suspended three deputy ministers from the Ministry of Youth Affairs—Malsha Shareef, Mahzoom Majid, and Maryam Shuina—due to their derogatory comments about Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The controversy arose after Modi posted pictures on Instagram of his visit to Lakshadweep, a group of islands off the southwestern coast of India, without mentioning the neighboring Maldives.

Is really Maldives on their Knees?

We can’t use the term for a country that , ‘Maldives on their Knees’, but we have to acknowledge that the misbehavior of a few minister and ungreatful behavior of an entire country cost them so much and will cost more.

For now, The President of Maldives, President Mohammad Muizzu  is on the visit of China and asking china to send more tourists because India (the major tourist provider country to Maldives) won’t send their tourist more, or Indians won’t come to Maldives for a long time.

These statements tells about their entire condition.

PM Modi Lakshadweep Photos

How Beautiful is Lakshadweep?

Lakshadweep, a group of islands in the Laccadive Sea, is known for its breathtaking natural beauty. The archipelago consists of coral atolls, pristine beaches, turquoise lagoons, and vibrant coral reefs. The beauty of Lakshadweep lies in its unspoiled landscapes and serene surroundings.

Here are some aspects that contribute to the beauty of Lakshadweep:

  • Coral Reefs: The islands are surrounded by thriving coral reefs, making it an ideal destination for snorkeling and scuba diving. The underwater world is filled with colorful coral formations and diverse marine life.
  • White Sandy Beaches: The islands boast pristine, white sandy beaches that stretch along the crystal-clear waters of the Arabian Sea. These tranquil beaches offer a peaceful retreat and stunning views of the ocean.
  • Lagoons and Lush Vegetation: The islands are characterized by shallow lagoons with varying shades of blue and green. The lush vegetation adds to the overall charm, creating a tropical paradise.
  • Diverse Flora and Fauna: Lakshadweep is home to a variety of plant and animal species, both on land and in the surrounding waters. This biodiversity enhances the natural appeal of the islands.
  • Secluded and Serene Atmosphere: With limited accessibility and a controlled number of tourists, Lakshadweep maintains a serene and secluded atmosphere. This exclusivity adds to the allure of the destination.

The beauty of Lakshadweep lies not only in its physical features but also in the sense of tranquility and untouched nature that the islands provide. It is a destination for those seeking a peaceful escape and a chance to explore the wonders of a pristine tropical environment.

Maldives Vs Lakshadweep

PopulationAround 70,000 residentsAround 520,000 people
Size of Place32 square kilometers298 square kilometers
Mainly Known ForCoral atolls, lagoons, and picturesque beachesOverwater bungalows, coral atolls, luxury resorts
Majority ReligionSunni Islam (94%)Sunni Islam (97%)
Tourist AttractionsPristine beaches, coral reefs, water sportsClear turquoise waters, coral atolls, luxury resorts
AccessibilityLimited connectivity, regulated entry, getting more developed in upcoming yearsWell-connected by air, international airports
Luxury vs. BudgetProvides options catering to different budgetsOften associated with high-end luxury resorts
Environmental ConsiderationsVulnerable to climate changeVulnerable to climate change
Cultural ExperienceReflects Indian culture, strong Islamic influenceUnique cultural blend influenced by South Asian, Arab, and African traditions
Tourism FocusQuieter, more secluded atmospherePopular destination for luxury tourism, bustling tourist hubs
Other Facts for TouristsEfforts made for sustainable tourism practicesHigh-end luxury resorts prevalent, efforts for sustainable tourism
Maldives Vs Lakshadweep

Geopolitical Implications of Maldives Controversy

The geopolitical implications of the Maldives controversy, where derogatory comments were made about Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, can have several repercussions in the regional and international context:

1. India-Maldives Relations

The controversy may strain diplomatic ties between India and the Maldives in the short term. India, being a significant regional power, may reassess its relationship with the Maldives based on the handling of the situation and the perceived disrespect toward its leader.

2. Shift in Alliances

The incident might lead to a shift in alliances and geopolitical positioning. While the Maldives traditionally had closer ties with India, the controversy might create an opportunity for China to strengthen its influence in the Maldives, especially if the Maldives seeks alternative partnerships.

3. China’s Role

China, which has been expanding its influence in the Indian Ocean region, may capitalize on the strained India-Maldives relations. China could potentially increase its economic and strategic investments in the Maldives, including infrastructure projects and possibly seeking naval access.

4. Israel-India Relations

The comment linking India to Israel may have implications for India’s relations with Israel. While India has maintained a strategic relationship with Israel, the controversy may prompt a reassessment of diplomatic ties or interactions between the two nations.

5. Economic Impact

The controversy might impact economic relations, with potential consequences for trade and investments. If India and the Maldives experience a cooling of relations, it could affect the flow of tourists, trade, and economic cooperation between the two nations.

6. Regional Stability

The incident may have wider implications for regional stability in the Indian Ocean. Increased involvement by external powers such as China could lead to a reconfiguration of power dynamics in the region, potentially affecting the balance of power.

7. Security Concerns

China’s expanded presence in the Indian Ocean, especially if it involves military or strategic assets in the Maldives, could raise security concerns for India and other regional players. It may lead to a reassessment of security strategies and alliances.

8. Diplomatic Isolation

The Maldives might face diplomatic isolation if the controversy leads to strained relations with both India and traditional Western allies. Dependence on China for support could lead to a shift in geopolitical alignment.

Interesting facts about Maldives

We have enlisted top 5 Interesting facts about Maldives Below-

1. Unique Geography

The Maldives is the lowest and flattest country on Earth, with an average ground level of just 1.5 meters above sea level. The nation comprises 26 atolls and over 1,000 coral islands spread across the Indian Ocean, making it a unique and geographically distinct destination.

2. Underwater Hotel Rooms

The Maldives is renowned for its luxurious overwater bungalows, offering guests a unique and immersive experience. In addition to these iconic accommodations, some resorts in the Maldives also feature underwater hotel rooms, providing an extraordinary opportunity to sleep surrounded by marine life.

3. Maldivian Language and Script

Dhivehi is the official language of the Maldives, and it has its own script known as Thaana. Interestingly, Thaana is one of the few scripts in the world written from right to left. The script has evolved over the centuries and is unique to the Maldives.

4. Maldives’ Commitment to the Environment

Given its vulnerability to climate change and rising sea levels, the Maldives has been a vocal advocate for environmental conservation. The country has committed to becoming carbon-neutral by 2020 (although actual achievements may vary), and several resorts in the Maldives have implemented sustainable practices to protect the delicate ecosystem.

5. Underwater Cabinet Meeting

In 2009, to draw attention to the threat of climate change and rising sea levels, the Maldives held an underwater cabinet meeting. The then-President Mohamed Nasheed and his ministers wore scuba gear and signed a document calling for global action on climate change. This symbolic event highlighted the existential threat the country faces due to climate change.

Interesting Facts about Lakshadweep

We have enlisted the top 10 interesting facts about Lakshadweep Below-

1. Smallest Union Territory

Lakshadweep, located off the southwestern coast of India, is the smallest Union Territory of India. It consists of 36 islands, covering an area of just 32 square kilometers. Only ten of these islands are inhabited.

2. Coral Atolls and Lagoons

Lakshadweep is known for its stunning coral atolls, clear lagoons, and vibrant coral reefs. The archipelago’s geographical features make it a popular destination for snorkeling and scuba diving enthusiasts.

3. Strict Entry Regulations

To preserve its pristine environment and protect its unique ecosystem, Lakshadweep has strict entry regulations. Tourists need a special permit to visit the islands, and the number of visitors is controlled to ensure sustainable tourism.

4. Breathtaking Beaches

Lakshadweep is home to some of the most beautiful and pristine beaches in the world. The white sandy shores, surrounded by turquoise waters, create a tranquil and picturesque setting for visitors.

5. Cultural Diversity

Despite its small size, Lakshadweep is culturally diverse, influenced by various civilizations, including Arab, Portuguese, and Indian. The inhabitants, predominantly Muslims, follow a unique blend of cultural traditions.

6. Traditional Fishing Techniques

The people of Lakshadweep traditionally engage in fishing using methods like pole and line fishing, contributing to sustainable fishing practices. Tuna fishing is a significant economic activity for the locals.

7. Marine Biodiversity

The marine life around Lakshadweep is rich and diverse, with numerous species of fish, coral, and other marine organisms. The region is recognized for its ecological importance and biodiversity conservation efforts.

8. Lakshadweep Saree

The traditional dress of women in Lakshadweep is the ‘Lakshadweep Saree.’ It is a distinctive handwoven garment known for its unique patterns and vibrant colors, reflecting the cultural heritage of the islands.

9. Kavaratti – Capital and Economic Hub

Kavaratti is the administrative capital of Lakshadweep and serves as its economic hub. It houses government offices, educational institutions, and various economic activities, including coconut cultivation and fishing.

10. Calm and Serene Atmosphere

Lakshadweep offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a quiet retreat away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The islands provide an intimate experience with nature and a break from the usual tourist crowds.

How Maldives Controversy will help you for your UPSC Preparation?

The Maldives controversy can serve as a relevant and contemporary case study for UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) preparation, particularly for aspirants focusing on international relations, diplomatic issues, and current affairs. Here are ways in which the controversy can aid UPSC preparation and points to consider:

  1. International Relations (IR): The incident provides insights into the dynamics of diplomatic relations between countries, showcasing the delicate nature of international interactions and the potential impact of statements made by officials.
  2. Geopolitics in the Indian Ocean Region: Aspirants can analyze the geopolitical implications of the controversy, considering the strategic significance of the Indian Ocean region and how major powers navigate their interests in this area.
  3. Diplomacy and Crisis Management: The controversy offers a case study in diplomacy and crisis management, allowing candidates to understand how nations address and resolve diplomatic tensions while protecting their interests.
  4. India’s Neighbourhood Policy: This incident can be studied in the context of India’s neighborhood policy, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities in maintaining healthy relations with neighboring countries.
  5. Impact on Economic Relations: Consideration of the economic implications, such as the potential effects on tourism and trade, provides a practical understanding of the interconnectedness of political and economic factors in international relations.
  6. Climate Change and Vulnerability: The Maldives’ vulnerability to climate change, as highlighted by the underwater cabinet meeting in 2009, can be explored as a case study on the intersection of environmental issues and geopolitics.
  7. Role of Social Media: As the controversy originated from comments made on social media, it underscores the role of digital platforms in shaping international perceptions, a relevant aspect in the modern era.
  8. Strategic Considerations: Analyzing how major powers like China may capitalize on such incidents to extend their influence in the region allows aspirants to understand the broader strategic considerations at play.
  9. Cultural Sensitivity: The controversy emphasizes the importance of cultural sensitivity in international relations, showcasing the potential diplomatic fallout from derogatory remarks.
  10. Role of International Organizations: The response or lack thereof from international organizations can be studied to understand their role in mediating or exacerbating diplomatic tensions between nations.
  11. Historical Context: Candidates may explore historical aspects of India-Maldives relations to provide context and depth to their understanding of the current controversy.
  12. Public Opinion and Diplomacy: The controversy’s impact on public opinion, both domestically and internationally, can be examined, highlighting the role of public sentiment in shaping diplomatic strategies.
  13. Policy Formulation: Aspirants can consider how nations formulate policies to protect their interests and maintain diplomatic relations in the face of controversies, contributing to a broader understanding of policy dynamics.
  14. Linkages to Other Global Issues: Exploring linkages between the Maldives controversy and broader global issues such as climate change, regional security, and international cooperation provides a holistic perspective.
  15. Potential for Future Developments: Considering the potential trajectory of India-Maldives relations post-controversy allows aspirants to develop foresight and critical analysis skills.

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