Karnataka language Amendment Bill 2024 UPSC

Key Points to know about Karnataka Language Amendment Bill 2024

Key Points to know about Karnataka Language Amendment Bill 2024

Introduction to Karnataka’s Language Amendment Bill 2024 UPSC

Welcome to PreCrack! Recently, the Karnataka’state assembly has passed the bill named ‘the Kannada Language Comprehensive Development (Amendment) Bill, 2024’ related to making the regulation related to Kannada language in the state. According to this amendment act, from now on, each business, shop, or institutional establishment now has to use 60% of the text on the board of their shop, institution, or businesses. Otherwise, their license will be cancelled.

This news has put the Kannada Language Comprehensive Development (Amendment) Bill, 2024 to the center of debates. This is also a key topic related to recent polity developments in India and directly reflects the notations of Indian Polity.

If you are preparing for major competitive exams in India, then at PreCrack, we’ll provide you all information related to Karnataka language Amendment Bill 2024 & points around it.

So, let’s start-  

What is Karnataka Language Amendment Bill 2024? Language Amendment Bill 2024 UPSC, Karnataka's Language Amendment Bill 2024 UPSC, complete details about Kannada Language Comprehensive Development (Amendment) Bill, 2024 UPSC, Features, Benefits, pros and con, need of the bill, impact on Karnataka, scope of the bills, key points, key provisions, key facts, upsc questions, upsc current affairs on Kannada Language Amendment Bill, 2024, Indian constitution, constitutional provision to amend a law, procedure, upsc current affairs 2024, What is PreCrack, Best Website for UPSC Preparation,
Karnataka Assembly Debating on ‘Karnataka Language Amendment Bill 2024’

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What is Karnataka’s Language Amendment Bill 2024? – Karnataka Language Amendment Bill 2024 UPSC

The Karnataka Language Amendment Bill 2024, officially known as the Kannada Language Comprehensive Development (Amendment) Bill, mandates that all business establishments display name boards with 60% text in Kannada in the upper half.

This extends to commercial, industrial, and government entities. The bill emphasizes the use of Kannada in official communications, including designations of officers, with penalties for non-compliance.

An enforcement wing, involving police and officials, will monitor implementation, particularly in Bengaluru. The bill further extends the use of Kannada to digital communication, publications, and public reporting through a dedicated app. Its aim is to fortify Kannada’s presence in public spaces.

Source – The Hindu

Why does Karnataka need this bill?

For several reasons, Karnataka needs this bill:

1. Cultural Identity

  • Kannada is crucial for Karnataka’s culture.
  • Promoting its use preserves our rich heritage.

2. Language Heritage

  • Safeguarding Kannada protects our language legacy.
  • Ensures continuity for future generations.

3. Community Unity

  • Encouraging Kannada fosters unity among Kannadigas.
  • Reinforces a shared linguistic identity.

4. Communication

  • Requiring Kannada on signs aids effective local and government communication.

5. Economic Inclusivity

  • Mandating Kannada on business signs ensures economic inclusivity.
  • Allows everyone to understand important information.

6. Preservation of Tradition

  • Emphasizing Kannada in public life preserves our unique traditions.
  • Government initiative for the future.

Karnataka’s Language Issues

In the recent past, there were many instances where at the mainland of Karnataka, people started complete negligence of Kannada Language. Mainly in urban areas in Karnataka, people who has born in Karnataka are not easily comfortable with Kannada Language and tries to learn other language such as English or others but not Kannada properly.

Generally, those who has 0 idea why people of Karnataka are quite sensitive toward their language, thinks that people of Karnataka hates other language & it is completely incorrect.

Respecting and trying to take steps to preserve and maintain cultural values more, should not be seen as hate toward other languages.

We can understand it with few points. These are the few key language issues in Karnataka-

1. Language Learning Trends

People in Karnataka are increasingly inclined to learn languages other than Kannada, leading to a reduced emphasis on understanding and preserving the native language.

2. English Dominance in Official Communication

English is widely favored for official communication in Karnataka, overshadowing the use of Kannada in government offices and institutions.

3. Urban Influence on Language Use

In urban areas, the influence of non-native languages is growing, contributing to a decline in the prominence of Kannada.

4. Educational Challenges

Challenges in incorporating Kannada effectively into the education system, especially in institutions where multiple languages are spoken.

5. Linguistic Disparities

Disparities between rural and urban areas in terms of language use, with rural regions often facing challenges in maintaining Kannada prominence.

6. Digital Communication Trends

The increasing use of digital communication platforms may contribute to a shift towards non-Kannada languages, impacting local linguistic dynamics.

7. Cultural Erosion

Concerns about the erosion of traditional cultural elements linked to the Kannada language due to the influence of external languages and globalized culture.

8. Business and Commercial Practices

English often takes precedence over Kannada in business and commercial practices, posing challenges for those who may not be proficient in the dominant language.

9. Migration Impact

The influx of people from different linguistic backgrounds may contribute to linguistic diversity but can also challenge the preservation of Kannada as the primary language.

10. Media Influence

The media’s preference for languages other than Kannada in entertainment and news content can impact language preferences and usage patterns among the population.

Do people of Karnataka Hates Other Languages?

In large, people in Karnataka don’t generally hate other languages. Karnataka is a diverse state where people appreciate different languages. While there might be concerns about the use of Kannada, it’s more about preserving the local culture.

In Karnataka, people aim for harmony and understanding among various language communities, promoting coexistence rather than hatred. The focus is on balancing linguistic diversity with the importance of preserving the state’s cultural identity.

What is Karnataka’s Original Language Act?

There are two main pieces of legislation in Karnataka related to language that you might need to know about:

1. The Karnataka Official Language Act, 1963:

  • This Act establishes Kannada as the official language of the state of Karnataka.
  • It provides for its use in administration, communication, and official publications.
  • However, the Act permits continued use of English for specific purposes, such as in the state legislature and higher courts.

2. The Karnataka Local Authorities (Official Language) Act, 1981:

  • This Act extends the provisions of the 1963 Act to require use of Kannada by all local authorities in the state, including municipalities, panchayats, and boards.
  • This law ensures consistency in language policy across different administrative levels.

Features of Language Amendment Bill 2024 UPSC

Introduced in January 2024, this bill, now passed by the state assembly, aims to reinforce the prominence of Kannada across various sectors. Key provisions include:

1. Signboard Requirements

  • Mandates 60% Kannada content on name boards.
  • Requires prominent display of Kannada in the upper half of signage for businesses, trusts, counseling centers, hospitals, laboratories, amusement centers, and hostels.

2. Education

  • Imposes mandatory Kannada usage in instruction and examinations for undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
  • Targets private colleges and universities emphasizing English-language programs.

3. Employment

  • Mandates knowledge of Kannada for employment in state PSUs, banks, private companies, and multinationals operating in Karnataka.

4. Incentives

  • Proposes financial incentives, tax rebates, and subsidies for organizations actively promoting Kannada in signage, software, and documents.

5. Enforcement

  • Involves the Director of the Kannada and Culture Department as a member of the state-level enforcement committee.
  • The Secretary of the Kannada Development Authority acts as the convener of this committee.

6. Criticisms

  • Raises concerns about potential discrimination against non-Kannada speakers.
  • Addresses worries about implementation challenges and bureaucratic hurdles.
  • Questions the bill’s effectiveness in achieving the desired revival of language use.

Key Provisions of the Kannada Language Comprehensive Development (Amendment) Bill, 2024

These are the key provisions of Kannada Language Amendment Bill 2024-

1. Signboard Rules:

  • Mandates 60% Kannada content on name boards.
  • Requires prominent display in the upper half for businesses, hospitals, and more.

2. Education Focus:

  • Compels Kannada in teaching and exams, targeting English-centric programs.

3. Job Requirements:

  • Demands Kannada knowledge for jobs in state entities and private firms.

4. Incentives for Usage:

  • Suggests rewards for active Kannada use in signs, software, and documents.

5. Enforcement Mechanisms:

  • Involves the Director of Kannada and Culture in the enforcement committee.
  • The Secretary of Kannada Development Authority acts as the convener.

Pros and cons of Language Amendment Bill 2024

These are the pros and cons of Kannada Language Amendment Bill 2024-

Pros of Language Amendment Bill 2024Cons of Language Amendment Bill 2024
1. Promotes Kannada Identity1. Potential Discrimination
2. Preserves Language Heritage2. Concerns about Discrimination
3. Enhances Employment Opportunities3. Reduced inter-state movements
4. Strengthens Kannada in Education4. Will generate a negative opinion about other Languages
5. Offers Financial Incentives5. Will impact state economy of Karnataka badly

Penalties for not following this law

The only known penalties are, if you are an institution or a business and not following this law, then your license will be canceled!

Impact of Language Amendment Bill 2024

These impacts can be seen on the grounds after implementation of Kannada Language Amendment Bill 2024-

1. Promotion of Kannada Identity

The bill reinforces the cultural identity of Karnataka by making Kannada a prominent language in public spaces, contributing to the preservation of the state’s linguistic and cultural heritage.

2. Language Preservation

The emphasis on using Kannada in name boards across different sectors aims to preserve the Kannada language, ensuring its continued use and visibility in the face of potential erosion.

3. Increased Employment Opportunities for Locals

Mandating knowledge of Kannada for employment in various sectors may create new opportunities for Kannadigas and promote inclusivity in the job market.

4. Educational Emphasis

Making Kannada compulsory for instruction and examinations in undergraduate and postgraduate programs can strengthen the language’s role in education, fostering a sense of linguistic identity among students.

5. Economic and Business Impact

Businesses and establishments will need to comply with the 60% Kannada usage on signboards, potentially impacting their marketing strategies and communication with the public. The imposition of fines and license cancellations for non-compliance adds a regulatory dimension to ensure adherence.

6. Government Enforcement and Rule Framing

The formation of a State Level Committee and enforcement wing, along with the framing of rules, indicates a strong commitment by the government to implement and enforce the language requirements.

7. Technological Innovation (Kangavalu App)

The introduction of the “Kangavalu” app for addressing complaints about non-compliance reflects a modern and technological approach to enforcing language regulations.

8. Addressing Regional Disparities

Committees in all eight municipal zones of Bengaluru and acknowledgment of the problem primarily in the city demonstrate a targeted approach to address regional disparities in language usage.

9. Public Awareness and Participation

The bill and its enforcement mechanisms may raise public awareness about the importance of using Kannada, encouraging active participation in preserving the language.

10. Potential Challenges and Criticisms

The bill may face challenges and criticisms, such as concerns about potential discrimination against non-Kannada speakers and uncertainties about the effectiveness of fines and penalties in ensuring compliance.

Constitutional Provisions to Amend a Law UPSC

Article 368 empowers Parliament to amend the Indian Constitution. Simple majority suffices for non-fundamental features, while special majority and state ratification are needed for fundamental features. President’s assent is final, but Supreme Court can review based on “basic structure” doctrine

Procedure to change a Law according to Constitution of India UPSC

The process of amending a law in India is outlined in Article 368 of the Constitution. Here’s a breakdown of the key provisions:

Types of Amendments:

  1. Simple Majority: Some provisions can be amended by a simple majority in both houses of Parliament (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha). This applies to non-fundamental features of the Constitution.
  2. Special Majority: Other provisions require a special majority of two-thirds of the members present and voting in each house, followed by ratification by half of the state legislatures. This applies to fundamental features, like federalism and judicial independence.

Initiating the Process:

An amendment bill can be initiated by either a private member or a minister in either house of Parliament.


  1. Introduction: The bill is introduced in one of the houses and then sent to the other for debate and voting.
  2. Debate and Voting: Both houses debate and vote on the bill. If passed by a simple majority or special majority, depending on the type of amendment, it proceeds to the next step.
  3. President’s Assent: The bill requires the President’s assent to become law.

Additional Considerations:

  • The Supreme Court has the power to review the validity of amendments based on the “basic structure doctrine.” This doctrine states that some core features of the Constitution cannot be amended, even with the required majority.
  • There have been 29 amendments to the Constitution since its adoption in 1950.

For UPSC preparation:

  • It’s crucial to understand the types of amendments and their respective procedures.
  • Be aware of the “basic structure doctrine” and its implications.
  • Familiarity with significant historical amendments and their impact can enhance your understanding.
  • Analyze current debates and proposed amendments to strengthen your critical thinking and opinion formation.

Key Facts about Karnataka’s Language Amendment Bill 2024

Name of the BillKannada Language Comprehensive Development (Amendment) Bill, 2024
Where ProposedKarnataka Legislative Assembly
When ProposedFebruary 2024
StatusPassed by the Legislative Assembly, awaiting Governor’s approval
Main ObjectiveMandates 60% use of Kannada on name boards, promoting language prominence
BenefitsPreserves cultural identity, creates job opportunities, strengthens education
Key Provisions60% Kannada on signboards, education and employment emphasis, fines for non-compliance
Potential RisksPossible discrimination, challenges in enforcement, uncertainties in fines’ effectiveness
Way ForwardImplement rules, address concerns, promote public awareness and compliance
Key Facts about Karnataka’s Language Amendment Bill 2024

FAQs or UPSC Questions on Karnataka’s Language Amendment Bill 2024

Question-1: What is the Karnataka Language Amendment Bill?

Answer: The Karnataka Language Amendment Bill is legislation aimed at mandating a 60% use of Kannada on name boards for businesses and establishments in Karnataka, emphasizing the promotion of the local language.

Question-2: What is the current status of the Bill?

Answer: As of the latest available information, the bill has been passed by the Karnataka Legislative Assembly and is awaiting approval from Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot to become law.

Question-3: What are the key provisions of the Bill?

Answer: The key provisions include the requirement for 60% Kannada usage on signboards, an emphasis on Kannada in education and employment, fines for non-compliance, and the formation of enforcement committees.

Question-4: What are the benefits of the Karnataka Language Amendment Bill?

Answer: Anticipated benefits include the preservation of cultural identity, job opportunities for Kannadigas, strengthened education in Kannada, and an overall promotion of the Kannada language.

Question-5: What are the features of the Karnataka Language Amendment Bill?

Answer: The bill features mandatory Kannada usage on name boards, a comprehensive approach to integrate Kannada into education and employment, fines for non-compliance, and the formation of enforcement committees.

Question-6: How will this bill impact Karnataka?

Answer: The bill is expected to impact Karnataka by promoting the use of Kannada, preserving cultural identity, creating job opportunities, and enforcing language norms across various sectors.

Question-7: What are the pros and cons of the Karnataka Language Amendment Bill?

Answer: Pros include cultural preservation and job creation, while potential cons may involve concerns about discrimination and uncertainties in the effectiveness of fines.

Question-8: Does Karnataka hates other languages?

Answer: The bill itself does not indicate animosity towards other languages. It primarily seeks to promote Kannada but may face criticisms related to language discrimination.

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