PMVY UPSC - PM Vishwakarma Scheme UPSC - PM Vishwakarma Yojana UPSC

Complete Details about PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2024 in Simple Words – Objectives, Features, Eligibility, How to Apply, PMKVY UPSC

PM Vishvakarma Yojana UPSC – PM Vishwakarma Scheme UPSC

Complete Details about PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2024 in Simple Words – Objectives, Features, Eligibility, How to Apply, PMVKY UPSC

Table of Contents

Introduction PM Vishwakarma Scheme

In recent times, PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme was in news. And the reason behind it was a district panel was established in Jammu & Kashmir to Oversee / Check the Implementation of PM Vishwakarma Scheme in the Union Territory of India.

This Scheme was pretty attractive schemes of the Vishwakarmas of India. This is why, getting complete information about Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana is Crucial. Also, those who are preparing for competitive examination in India, need to know complete details about PM Vishwakarma Scheme.

If you are also one of the person who is preparing for the Competitive Exams Like UPSC, SSC & many more, then this blog will provide you an comprehensive details about PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme.

So, let’s start-

What is PM Vishwakarma Yojana 2024? – What is PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme? – PMVKY UPSC

We have added all the details about PM Vishwakarma Yojana. Not only that, we also have added that why this scheme have use the term of “Vishwakarma”. This will be interesting to read.

What is PM Vishwakarma Yojana?

The ‘PM Vishwakarma’ scheme, launched by the Indian government, is a comprehensive initiative designed to uplift and support traditional artisans and craftspeople, commonly known as ‘Vishwakarmas.’

Launched as a Central Sector Scheme with an initial outlay of Rs 13,000 crore, it focuses on improving the quality and reach of products and services offered by artisans, aiming to integrate them into domestic and global value chains.

The scheme provides end-to-end support to Vishwakarmas, offering benefits such as skill upgradation, toolkit incentives, credit support, and marketing assistance.

Administered by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME), the scheme aims to bring a qualitative shift in how these traditional occupations are practiced, enhancing the socio-economic status and quality of life of artisans.

PM Vishwakarma is set to be implemented for an initial period of five years, up to 2027-28, with the goal of fostering holistic development in the traditional artisan sector.

Why this scheme termed as ‘Vishwakama Yojana’

The ‘PM Vishwakarma’ scheme is named after Bhagawan Vishwakarma, who holds significant cultural and Religious importance in Hindu traditions.

Vishwakarma is regarded as the divine architect and the craftsman of the gods. He is considered the master artisan and creator of various divine weapons and structures.

By naming the scheme ‘Vishwakarma Yojana,’ the government of India pays homage to the rich cultural heritage and traditional craftsmanship associated with Prabhu Vishwakarma.

The term ‘Vishwakarma’ is symbolic of skilled craftsmanship, artistry, and the traditional occupations of artisans and craftspeople. Associating the scheme with Lord Vishwakarma implies a focus on the preservation and upliftment of traditional skills, acknowledging their divine and cultural roots.

The name ‘Vishwakarma Yojana’ reflects the intent to celebrate and support the diverse skills passed down through generations, emphasizing the cultural and historical significance of traditional occupations in India.

Why PM Vishwakarma Yojana Important for UPSC

There are several reasons why PM Vishwakarma Yojana Important for UPSC Preparation

  1. ‘PM Vishwakarma’ is crucial for UPSC as it addresses socio-economic challenges by supporting traditional artisans and craftspeople.
  2. The scheme aligns with India’s cultural heritage, focusing on preserving and promoting traditional skills.
  3. Knowledge of government initiatives like ‘PM Vishwakarma’ is essential for UPSC candidates to understand policies promoting inclusive growth.
  4. The scheme’s holistic approach, covering skill development, credit support, and marketing, showcases comprehensive solutions to developmental challenges.
  5. Analyzing and critically evaluating policies, such as ‘PM Vishwakarma,’ is a skill UPSC candidates are expected to demonstrate.
  6. Awareness of current affairs is vital for UPSC, and the scheme’s recent launch demonstrates candidates’ currency of knowledge.
  7. The scheme contributes to poverty alleviation and economic empowerment, aligning with UPSC’s focus on societal welfare.
  8. Understanding ‘Vishwakarmas’ recognition through certificates and ID cards reflects awareness of social dynamics and inclusivity.
  9. The integration of beneficiaries into the formal MSME ecosystem reflects an understanding of economic structures and entrepreneurship.
  10. Overall, knowledge of ‘PM Vishwakarma’ enhances a candidate’s grasp of governance, socio-economic development, and cultural preservation in the Indian context.

Compete Details about PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme – Background of PM Vishwakarma Yojana

The ‘PM Vishwakarma’ scheme, started on September 17, 2023, helps people who work with their hands and tools, like carpenters, blacksmiths, and potters. These workers, known as ‘Vishwakarmas,’ often face challenges in their jobs.

The scheme wants to make their lives better by giving them special benefits. They get recognition through certificates, learn new skills, and receive tools to help them work.

They can also get loans for their businesses, and if they use digital transactions, they get extra money. The scheme even helps them with marketing, like making their products known online. Overall, it aims to improve their lives and make their work more successful.

PM Vishwakarma Yojana in Hindi – प्रधान मंत्री विश्वकर्मा योजना हिंदी में

प्रधानमंत्री विश्वकर्मा योजना भारत सरकार की एक महत्वपूर्ण पहल है जो देशभर के शिल्पकलाकारों और दस्तकलाकारों को सशक्त बनाने का उद्देश्य रखती है। इस योजना के अंतर्गत, पारंपरिक शिल्प और कला में कार्यरत लोगों को सरकार द्वारा विभिन्न लाभ प्रदान किए जाते हैं.

इन सभी लाभों के अंतर्गत वित्तीय समर्थन, कौशल विकास, और पहचान शामिल हैं। यह योजना विभिन्न विशेषज्ञताओं में काम करने वाले शिल्पकलाकारों को एक ही साझा मंच पर लाने का मकसद रखती है, जिससे उनकी कला और कौशल में सुधार हो।

योजना के अंतर्गत, शिल्पकलाकारों को टूलकिट इनसेंटिव, ऋण समर्थन, कौशल उन्नति, डिजिटल लेन-देन के लिए प्रोत्साहन, और मार्केट सपोर्ट जैसी विभिन्न सुविधाएं प्रदान की जाती हैं। यह योजना सांस्कृतिक प्रथाओं, युगांतर कौशल और गुरु-शिष्य परंपरा को संरक्षित रखने के साथ-साथ शिल्पकलाकारों को सम्मान और पहचान प्रदान करने का उद्देश्य रखती है।

इससे उन्हें नए और सशक्तिकरण के अवसरों तक पहुंचने में मदद मिलती है। यह योजना विशेष रूप से महिलाओं, अनुसूचित जातियों, असमर्पित वर्गों, विकलांग, किन्हीं विशेष राज्यों के निवासियों, द्वीप साम्राज्यों और पहाड़ी क्षेत्रों के लोगों के लाभ को बढ़ावा देने का लक्ष्य रखती है।

प्रधानमंत्री विश्वकर्मा योजना के अन्दर 18 प्रकार के कार्य, व्यवसाय, व्यापार, कलाएं, कौशल, और लोगो की आजीविका के माध्यम शामिल किये गए है. प्रधानमंत्री विश्वकर्मा योजना के तहत योजना में शामिल होने योग्य व्यापारों की सूची:

लकड़ी से संबंधित व्यापार

1. सुथार (कारपेंटर)

2. नाव बनाने वाला

लोहा/धातु और पत्थर से संबंधित व्यापार

3. कवचधारी (आर्मरर)

4. लोहार (ब्लैकस्मिथ)

5. हथौड़ा और टूल किट बनाने वाला

6. तालसाज (लॉकस्मिथ)

7. मूर्तिकार (स्टोन कार्वर), स्टोन ब्रेकर

सोने/चांदी से संबंधित व्यापार

8. सुनार (गोल्डस्मिथ)

मिट्टी से संबंधित व्यापार

9. कुम्हार (पॉटर)

चमड़े से संबंधित व्यापार

10. चमड़े के जूते बनाने वाला (कॉब्बलर/जूता आर्टिजन)

स्थापत्य/निर्माण से संबंधित व्यापार

11. राजमिस्त्री (मेसन)

अन्य व्यापार

12. टोकरी/चटाई/झाड़ू बनाने वाला/कॉयर वीवर

13. गुड़िया और खिलौने बनाने वाला (पारंपरिक)

14. नाई (बार्बर)

15. गारलैंड बनाने वाला (मालाकार)

16. धोबी (वाशरमैन)

17. दर्जी (टेलर)

18. फिशिंग नेट बनाने वाला



Objectives of PM Vishwakarma Yojana – PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme Objectives

There are many objectives of PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme. However, we have added a few key Objectives PM Vishwakarma Yojana below-

  1. Recognition as Vishwakarma: The primary objective is to officially recognize artisans and craftspeople as ‘Vishwakarma,’ making them eligible for the comprehensive benefits offered by the scheme.
  2. Skill Upgradation: The scheme aims to provide skill enhancement opportunities, ensuring artisans have access to relevant and suitable training programs to refine their craft.
  3. Modern Tools Support: To enhance productivity and product/service quality, the scheme seeks to provide better and modern tools to the beneficiaries.
  4. Easy Access to Collateral-Free Credit: The objective is to facilitate easy access to collateral-free credit, reducing the financial burden on artisans, and promoting entrepreneurship.
  5. Interest Subvention: The scheme aims to reduce the cost of credit by providing interest subvention, making credit more affordable for the beneficiaries.
  6. Incentives for Digital Transactions: Encouraging digital empowerment, the scheme provides incentives for digital transactions, aligning with the evolving trends in technology.
  7. Platform for Brand Promotion: To create a platform for brand promotion, marketing, and market linkages, enabling artisans to access new opportunities for growth and recognition.
  8. Market Linkages: The scheme intends to establish market linkages, connecting artisans to broader markets and facilitating their integration into value chains.
  9. Enhancing Capability: By providing skill development and better tools, the scheme aims to enhance the overall capability of artisans, fostering innovation and efficiency.
  10. Quality Improvement: Ultimately, the scheme seeks to improve the overall quality of products and services offered by artisans, contributing to their success in the market.

Approach of PM Vishwakarma Yojana – PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme Approach

The ‘PM Vishwakarma’ scheme has a thoughtful approach to help artisans and craftspeople, especially those who work for themselves or want to start small businesses.

By supporting these individuals, the scheme not only preserves cultural practices and traditional skills passed down through generations but also gives them a recognized identity.

The scheme’s objectives include providing holistic support for artisans, empowering women, and assisting marginalized groups like Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, OBCs, Specially Abled, Transgenders, residents of NER states, Island Territories, and Hilly Areas.

The scheme will be introduced in both rural and urban areas, with a focus on covering districts in phases. It aims to empower women and marginalized groups while preserving traditional skills.

During implementation, efforts will be made to raise awareness about insurance, pension, and health schemes, encouraging beneficiaries to access social security benefits offered by the government.

The approach is participatory, involving coordination at multiple levels, ensuring that the benefits reach those who need them the most. Overall, the ‘PM Vishwakarma’ scheme seeks to uplift artisans, empower marginalized communities, and promote the rich cultural heritage of traditional trades.

In easy words

The ‘PM Vishwakarma’ scheme is like a friend to artisans and craftspeople who work by themselves or want to start small businesses. This scheme helps them keep their traditions and skills alive, and it also gives them a special identity.

The goal is to support artisans in different ways, empower women, and help groups that might need extra help. The plan is to start this help in both rural and city areas, focusing on different places step by step.

They also want to make sure artisans know about things like insurance and health benefits to make their lives better. The plan involves everyone working together to make sure the help reaches the right people.

Overall, the ‘PM Vishwakarma’ scheme is here to support artisans, empower different groups, and celebrate our rich cultural traditions.

Functions & Features of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana – PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme Functions & Features

We have added around 10 Key Functions & Features of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana below-

1. Launch and Objectives

  • Launched on September 17, 2023, by PM Narendra Modi.
  • Aims to provide socio-economic support to artisans and craftsmen across 18 trades.

2. National Integration

  • Acts as a national integration program.
  • Provides a platform for crafts and craftsmen from every corner of the country.

3. Symbolic Significance

  • Commenced on Vishwakarma Puja, symbolizing the worship of Lord Vishwakarma.
  • Celebrates the significance of workers and their skills in everyday life.

4. Exhibition Highlights

  • Held at Yashobhoomi, Dwarka, showcasing the advancement of artisans from 18 trades.
  • Three-day event combining heritage and modern technology, reviving traditional art forms.

5. Financial Support

  • Offers a collateral-free development loan of up to 3 Lakhs.
  • Loan provided in two tranches – Rs 1 Lakh in the first and Rs 2 Lakhs in the second.

6. Skill Upgradation and Modern Tools

  • Focuses on reviving traditional art forms through skill upgradation.
  • Aims to support craftsmen with better and more modern tools to enhance efficiency.

7. Diversity of Art Forms

  • Includes a wide variety of arts and crafts.
  • Exhibits Filigree, Clay Modelling, Toy Making, Sculpting, Chettinad Jewellery, Hair Dressing, etc.

8. Cultural Exchange

  • Provides a platform for artisans from different regions.
  • Allows the exchange of skills and unique processes, fostering a fusion of arts and culture.

9. Cultural Thread

  • Acts as a cultural thread linking people at different levels.
  • Connects diverse skills culturally and bridges regional differences.

10. Empowerment and Recognition

  • Empowers artisans and nurtures their art, providing national recognition.
  • Weaves artisans engaged in various crafts into a cultural cauldron for growth and prosperity.

Read complete Guidelines from PM Vishvakarma Scheme Official PDF

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Eligibility Criteria of PM Vishwakarma Yojana – PM Vishwakarma Scheme Eligibility Criteria Explained

If you want to Avail the benefits from PM Vishwakarma Scheme, the you must have to eligible to all these criteria-

1. Occupation

You need to be an artisan or craftsperson who works with hands and tools in a family-based traditional trade, typically in the unorganized or informal sector, and is self-employed.

2. Age

You should be at least 18 years old when you register for the scheme.

3. Current Engagement

You must be actively involved in the specified trade at the time of registration. Also, you shouldn’t have taken loans from similar government schemes for self-employment/business development in the past 5 years. However, if you’ve fully repaid a loan from MUDRA or SVANidhi, you can still be eligible.

4. Family Limit

Only one member per family can register and receive benefits. A family includes the husband, wife, and unmarried children.

5. Government Service

If you or any family member is in government service, you are not eligible for the scheme.

18 Eligible Businesses Under PM Vishwakarma Yojana – 18 Eligible Trade Under PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme – List of 18 Eligible Trades under PM Vishwakarma Yojana

There are total 18 Eligible Trades are listed in PM Vishwakarma Yojana. We have listed & catagorised each of them below-

Wood Based

1. Carpenter (Suthar)

2. Boat Maker

Iron/Metal Based/ Stone Based

3. Armourer

4. Blacksmith (Lohar)

5. Hammer and Tool Kit Maker

6. Locksmith

7. Sculptor (Moortikar, stone carver), Stone Breaker

Gold/Silver Based

8. Goldsmith (Sunar)

Clay Based

9. Potter (Kumhaar)

Leather Based

10. Cobbler (Charmakar)/ Shoesmith/ Footwear Artisan

Architecture/ Construction

11. Mason (Raajmistri)


12. Basket/ Mat/ Broom Maker/ Coir Weaver

13. Doll & Toy Maker (Traditional)

14. Barber (Naai)

15. Garland Maker (Malakaar)

16. Washerman (Dhobi)

17. Tailor (Darzi)

18. Fishing Net Maker

What is the Benefits of PM Vishwakarma Yojana? – PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme  Benefits – PM Vishwakarma Yojana Benefits

We have listed all the benefits of PM Vishwakarma Yojana / PM Vishwakarma Scheme / PMVKY Scheme below-

1. Recognition

  • Recognition as Vishwakarma through Certificate and ID Card

2. Skilling

  • Skill Verification followed by 5-7 days (40 hours) Basic Training
  • Interested candidates can also enroll for 15 days (120 hours) Advanced Training
  • Training Stipend: Rs 500 per day

3. Toolkit Incentive

  • Rs 15,000 grant

4. Credit Support

  • Collateral-free Enterprise Development Loans: Rs 1 lakh (First Tranche for 18 months repayment) & Rs 2 lakh (Second Tranche for 30 months repayment)
  • Concessional Rate of Interest: 5%, with Interest Subvention cap of 8% to be paid by MoMSME
  • Credit Guarantee fees to be borne by GoI

5. Incentive for Digital Transaction

  • Re 1 per transaction for a maximum of up to 100 transactions (monthly)

6. Marketing Support

National Committee for Marketing (NCM) will provide services such as Quality Certification, Branding & Promotion, E-commerce linkage, Trade Fairs advertising, publicity, and other marketing activities.

Importance & Significance of PM Vishwakarma Yojana – PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme Importance & Significance

PM Vishwakarma Yojana is significantly important due to wide coverage benefits for poor workers in India. We have added all Importance & Significance of PM Vishwakarma Yojana below-

1. Artisan Recognition

The scheme grants official recognition to artisans as Vishwakarma, elevating their status and acknowledging their valuable contributions.

2. Skill Development

Through skill verification and training programs, artisans benefit from both basic and advanced training, enhancing their craftsmanship.

3. Financial Support

The toolkit incentive of Rs 15,000 provides financial assistance for artisans to acquire necessary tools, promoting self-sufficiency.

4. Credit Assistance

Collateral-free Enterprise Development Loans offer substantial financial aid, with flexible tranches and a concessional interest rate, fostering entrepreneurship.

5. Digital Empowerment

The incentive for digital transactions encourages artisans to adopt digital payment methods, promoting financial inclusion and modern business practices.

6. Market Access

Marketing support from the National Committee for Marketing opens avenues for artisans, including quality certification, branding, and exposure on e-commerce platforms.

7. Cultural Preservation

The scheme helps preserve traditional crafts and skills passed down through generations, ensuring the continuity of cultural heritage.

8. Gender and Social Inclusion

By supporting women and marginalized groups in the trades, the scheme promotes inclusivity and equal opportunities within the artisan community.

9. Entrepreneurial Growth

Artisans can access credit for business development, fostering entrepreneurial growth and sustainability in traditional trades.

10. National Integration

The scheme acts as a national integration program, bringing together diverse crafts and craftsmen from across the country, fostering unity in diversity.

How to Apply for PM Vishwakarma Yojana – Application Process of PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme

This entire application Process have 3 main steps:

  1. Application Process
  2. Registration Process
  3. Confirmation/Verification Process

We have added all three steps below-

Step-1: Application Process

1. Enrolment Facilitation

MoMSME, in collaboration with CSCs (Common Service Centres), will facilitate the enrolment of beneficiary families. The PM Vishwakarma portal and mobile app will streamline the enrolment process.

2. Database Utilization

The Ministry of Labour & Employment (MoLE) maintains the National Database of Unorganized Workers (NDUW) on the e-Shram portal. This database, mapped with the National Classification of Occupations (NCO), will identify potential beneficiaries in covered trade categories.

3. Online Application

Eligible individuals not covered under the e-Shram database can apply online through CSCs or the PM Vishwakarma Portal for enrolment in the scheme.

4. Enrolment Procedure

Beneficiaries can enrol through CSCs at the Gram Panchayat and Urban Local Body levels or by applying online. The enrolment process captures details such as bank information, loan purpose and amount, etc.

5. Required Documents

Beneficiaries need to provide essential documents like Aadhaar, mobile number, bank details, and ration card for registration. In the absence of a ration card, Aadhaar numbers of all family members must be submitted.

6. Bank Account Requirement

If a beneficiary doesn’t have a bank account, assistance will be provided by CSCs to facilitate the account opening process.

7. No Enrolment Fee

Enrolment under PM Vishwakarma is free of charge. The government bears the entire cost of enrolment, registration, and the issuance of certificates/ID cards under the scheme.

8. Additional Requirements

Beneficiaries may be required to submit additional documents or information as prescribed by the scheme guidelines.

9. Handholding for Bank Account

CSCs will guide beneficiaries in opening a bank account if they do not have one, ensuring financial inclusivity.

10. Government Coverage

The government covers the expenses associated with enrolment, reinforcing its commitment to supporting artisans and craftspeople under the PM Vishwakarma Scheme.

Step-2: PM Vishwakarma Scheme Registration Process:

1. Application Submission

Beneficiaries can apply through Common Service Centres (CSCs) or online on the Aadhaar-authenticated PM Vishwakarma portal. The portal integrates with various government portals, ensuring information dissemination in multiple languages via a helpline.

2. Application Assistance

Applicants, either directly or with CSC assistance, can explore benefits with support from Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) or Enumerators. CSCs guide beneficiaries in assessing their needs and inform them about the Skill Upgradation component.

3. Bank Account Requirement

Beneficiaries without a bank account receive assistance from CSCs to open one. Aadhaar-seeded bank account details are mandatory for availing monetary benefits.

4. Aadhaar Authentication

At each intervention stage, Aadhaar authentication through biometric verification by CSCs is mandatory.

5. Link to Udyam Assist Portal

The portal includes a link for registration under the Udyam Assist Portal, catering to informal micro-enterprises lacking PAN. Applicants with PAN can register on the Udyam Registration Portal for MSMEs.

6. GeM Portal Onboarding

Beneficiaries are encouraged to join the GeM Portal, enhancing market access. GeM Portal advertising facilitates Vishwakarmas’ product availability for public procurement.

7. Application Verification

The submission and approval process precedes a three-step verification, leading to successful PM Vishwakarma registration.

8. Aadhaar-based Authentication

All registrations are Aadhaar-based, with biometric authentication ensuring the scheme’s integrity.

9. Notification via SMS

Beneficiaries receive notifications on incentive disbursement through SMS.

10. Wide Advertisements

The Scheme is extensively promoted on the GeM Portal, providing Vishwakarmas with market exposure and opportunities.

Step-3: PM Vishwakarma Scheme Verification and Approval Process:

This Step also have 3 stages:

  • Stage 1: Verification at Gram Panchayat or ULB Level
  • Stage 2: Vetting and Recommendation by District Implementation Committee
  • Stage 3: Approval by the Screening Committee

Stage 1: Verification at Gram Panchayat or ULB Level

1. Screening by Local Authorities

Artisans’ details are screened by the head of Gram Panchayat or Urban Local Body (ULB), ensuring traditional self-employment engagement. Gram Sevak/Panchayat Secretary may assist in verification.

2. Family Details Check

Verification includes ensuring the beneficiary’s family details, confirming only one eligible person per family. ULB Executive Head performs the same in urban areas.

3. Certification by Local Authorities

Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) collect details, certified by the Gram Panchayat head or ULB Executive Head.

Stage 2: Vetting and Recommendation by District Implementation Committee

1. Online Forwarding of Details

Verified details are forwarded to the District Implementation Committee online for further scrutiny.

2. District-Level Verification

District Implementation Committee ensures proper vetting, recommends applications, and validates beneficiaries’ eligibility.

Stage 3: Approval by the Screening Committee

1. Final Approval

The Screening Committee, chaired by an Office of DC-MSME officer, approves beneficiary registrations after due diligence and consideration of District Committee recommendations.

2. Committee’s Terms of Reference

A. Eligibility Confirmation: Approve registrations after ensuring beneficiary eligibility under PM Vishwakarma.

B. Timely Process: Oversee that enrolment and verification proceed without undue delays.

C. Trade-Specific Registration: Ensure eligible beneficiaries in trades covered under PM Vishwakarma are registered.

D. Remedial Measures: Take or suggest remedial actions for more efficient Scheme implementation when necessary.

Documents Required for PM Vishwakarma Yojana – PMVKY Required Documents

You will need many Documents for PM Vishwakarma Yojana Registration. We have listed all of them below-

  • Residential Certificate: Proof of residence indicating the applicant’s address.
  • Certificates of Skill: Documents certifying the skills of the artisan or craftsperson in their respective trade.
  • Ration Card: Ration card providing additional proof of residency and family details.
  • Aadhar Card: Aadhar card for individual identification.
  • Bank Passbook: Passbook from a bank where the beneficiary holds an account.
  • Account Number: Details of the beneficiary’s bank account to facilitate financial transactions.

Latest News on PM Vishwakarma Yojana – PM Vishwakarma Yojana latest Updates

Recently, the government has established the UT Level Monitoring Committee (UTLMC) and District Implementation Committees in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir for the effective implementation of the Prime Minister’s Vishwakarma Scheme.

The UTLMC, headed by the Administrative Secretary of the Industries and Commerce department, will oversee the operational implementation of the scheme at the UT level. The committee comprises representatives from various departments and agencies, including Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Housing and Urban Development, and Information Technology.

Additionally, District Implementation Committees, chaired by Deputy Commissioners, will focus on the field-level execution of the scheme, ensuring seamless enrollment, verification, and awareness at the Gram Panchayat and Urban Local Body levels.

These committees will play a crucial role in facilitating skill training, credit support, and other benefits under the scheme, contributing to its successful execution in the region.

PM Vishwakarma Yojana Amount –  Credit Support for PM Vishwakarma Yojana – PMVKY Credit Support

Knowing about PM Vishwakarma Yojana Amount or Credit Support for PM Vishwakarma Yojana can be a bit complex matrix for you. We have simplified this Complex Matrix ffor our readers:

1. Toolkit Incentive

  • Beneficiaries will receive a toolkit incentive of up to Rs. 15,000.
  • This incentive will be provided in the form of e-vouchers at the commencement of Basic Skill Training.

2. Collateral-Free ‘Enterprise Development Loans’

  • Eligible beneficiaries can avail collateral-free loans under the scheme.
  • The loan amount is substantial, reaching up to Rs. 3 lakh.

3. Loan Tranches

  • The loan is disbursed in two tranches for flexibility and phased support.
  • The first tranche amounts to Rs. 1 lakh and is available after the completion of Basic Training.
  • The second tranche, totaling Rs. 2 lakh, becomes accessible to those who have availed the first tranche.

4. Loan Tenures

  • The loans come with varying repayment tenures to suit the financial capacities of the beneficiaries.
  • The first tranche has a repayment tenure of 18 months.
  • The second tranche has a longer repayment period of 30 months.

5. Concessional Interest Rate

  • A concessional rate of interest is applied to the loans, fixed at 5%.
  • Additionally, there is a Government of India subvention to the extent of 8% to further reduce the financial burden on beneficiaries.

6. Eligibility Criteria for Tranche Disbursement

  • Beneficiaries who have completed Basic Training are eligible for the first tranche.
  • The second tranche is accessible to those who have availed the first tranche, maintained a standard loan account, adopted digital transactions, or undergone Advanced Training.

How to check PM Vishwakarma Yojana Application Status?

We have added the complete process of ‘How to Check PM Vishwakarma Yojana Application Status’ Below-

  • Go to the Official Website: Visit the official website of PM Vishwakarma Yojana.
  • Find the Right Section: Look for a section called “Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana” on the homepage.
  • Click on It: Click on that section to see more information.
  • Look for Application Status Form: On the new page, find the form to check the application status.
  • Fill in Your Details: Fill in the details you provided during the application process.
  • Click “Check Status”: After entering your details, click on the button that says “Check Status.”
  • See Your Status: The system will then show you the status of your application on the screen.

By doing these steps, you can easily see how your PM Vishwakarma Yojana application is progressing. It’s a simple way to check and stay informed about your application status.

Interest rates for PM Vishwakarma Yojana – PMVKY Interest Rates

The Credit Support component of the PM Vishwakarma Yojana aims to empower traditional artisans and craftspeople by providing them with accessible and subsidized institutional credit for enterprise development on very low interest rates. Here’s an analysis of the key features mentioned:

1. Loan Structure

  • The total loan assistance offered is Rs. 3,00,000.
  • Beneficiaries can avail the first tranche up to Rs. 1,00,000 and the second tranche up to Rs. 2,00,000.
  • Disbursal of credit is linked with specific training milestones.

2. Eligibility Criteria

Beneficiaries must undergo Skill Assessment and complete Basic Training to be eligible for the first tranche of credit.

3. Second Tranche Eligibility

  • The second loan tranche is available to those who have availed the first tranche.
  • They should maintain a standard loan account, adopt digital transactions, and undergo Advanced Training.
  • Repayment of the first tranche is a prerequisite for availing the second tranche.

4. Interest Rates

  • Concessional interest rate fixed at 5% for beneficiaries.
  • The Government of India provides an interest subvention of 8%, upfront to the banks.

5. Interest Subvention Cap

A Credit Oversight Committee may revise the interest subvention cap of 8%, considering prevailing interest rates.

6. Credit Guarantee

  • Loans are covered by the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE).
  • Guarantee coverage is graded, based on the percentage of the year portfolio.

7. Guarantee Coverage Details

  • For the first tranche, maximum guarantee coverage is 50% of the year portfolio.
  • For the second tranche, maximum guarantee coverage is 15% of the year portfolio.
  • Coverage percentages vary based on the level of default (first, second, and third loss).

8. Risk Mitigation

Graded guarantee covers mitigate the risk of default, providing varying levels of coverage based on the extent of loss.

9. Effective Guarantee Cover

The effective guarantee cover is calculated based on the coverage percentages for each type of loss.

Interesting Facts about PM Vishwakarma Yojana – PMVKY Interesting Facts

We have added a few Interesting Facts about PM Vishwakarma Yojana – PMVKY Interesting Facts below-

1. Holistic Empowerment

PM Vishwakarma Yojana is a comprehensive scheme aimed at empowering traditional artisans and craftspeople by providing a range of support, including financial aid, skill development, and marketing assistance.

2. Launch Date and Venue

The scheme was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 17, 2023, at Yashobhoomi, Dwarka, New Delhi, marking a significant step towards recognizing and supporting the contributions of artisans.

3. Cultural Preservation

One of the scheme’s objectives is to preserve cultural practices, generational skills, and the guru-shishya parampara, ensuring the continuity of traditional crafts and art forms.

4. Inclusive Approach

PM Vishwakarma Yojana is designed to be inclusive, targeting not only men but also women and individuals from marginalized or under-served groups, including Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, OBCs, Specially Abled, Transgenders, and residents of NER states, Island Territories, and Hilly Areas.

5. Diverse Trades Covered

The scheme encompasses a wide range of traditional trades, including wood-based, metal-based, stone-based, gold/silver-based, clay-based, leather-based, architecture/construction, and others like basket making, toy making, barbering, and tailoring.

6. Financial Assistance

Beneficiaries can avail collateral-free enterprise development loans of up to Rs 3 lakh, divided into two tranches, with concessional interest rates and upfront interest subvention by the Government of India.

7. Recognition and Identity

Artisans and craftspeople registered under the scheme receive recognition as Vishwakarma along with a certificate and ID card, fostering a sense of identity and pride in their craftsmanship.

8. Skill Enhancement

The scheme includes skill upgradation programs, offering both basic and advanced training opportunities, with a training stipend provided to participants.

9. Digital Empowerment

To encourage digital transactions, beneficiaries receive incentives for adopting digital platforms, aligning with the government’s push for a digital economy.

10. National Integration

PM Vishwakarma Yojana serves as a national integration program, bringing together diverse crafts and craftsmen from different corners of the country, fostering unity in diversity. The three-day Vishwakarma exhibition exemplifies this by showcasing a rich mosaic of arts and crafts from various regions.

10 Key Facts about PM Vishwakarma Yojana

We have added the 10 Key Facts about PM Vishwakarma Yojana below-

Launch DateSeptember 17, 2023
CoverageOver 18 trades nationwide, embracing artisans and craftsmen from various corners of India.
ObjectiveEmpower traditional artisans, offer skill enhancement, provide financial aid, and promote digital transactions.
EligibilityArtisans engaged in family-based traditional trades, aged 18 or above, not having availed similar loans in the past 5 years.
Trades CoveredWood, Metal, Stone, Gold/Silver, Clay, Leather, Architecture/Construction, and others like Doll Making, Tailoring, etc.
Financial SupportToolkit incentive of up to Rs. 15,000 and collateral-free Enterprise Development Loans of up to Rs. 3 lakh in two tranches, with concessional interest.
Training OpportunitiesSkill verification followed by 5-7 days of Basic Training, and an option for 15 days of Advanced Training.
Digital EmpowermentIncentives for digital transactions, encouraging artisans to adopt modern practices.
Marketing SupportNational Committee for Marketing (NCM) provides services like Quality Certification, Branding & Promotion, E-commerce linkage, and more.
RecognitionArtisans receive recognition as Vishwakarma through certificates and ID cards.
10 Key Facts about PM Vishwakarma Yojana

FAQs on PM Vishwakarma Yojana – PM Vishwakarma (PMVKY) Scheme UPSC Questions

Question-1: What is PM Vishwakarma Yojana?

Answer. PM Vishwakarma Yojana is a government scheme aimed at empowering traditional artisans and craftsmen across India by providing them with various benefits, including financial support, skill enhancement, and recognition.

Question-2: Who is eligible to apply for PM Vishwakarma Yojana?

Answer. Artisans or craftspeople engaged in family-based traditional trades, aged 18 or above, and not having availed similar loans in the past 5 years are eligible.

Question-3: When was PM Vishwakarma Yojana launched?

Answer. PM Vishwakarma Yojana was launched on September 17, 2023, by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Question-4: What trades are covered under the scheme?

Answer. The scheme covers over 18 trades, including Wood, Metal, Stone, Gold/Silver, Clay, Leather, Architecture/Construction, and others like Doll Making, Tailoring, etc.

Question-5: What benefits does the scheme offer?

Answer. The scheme provides toolkit incentives, collateral-free Enterprise Development Loans, skill training, digital transaction incentives, marketing support, and more.

Question-6: How can one apply for PM Vishwakarma Yojana?

Answer. Applications can be submitted through Common Service Centres (CSCs) or online on the Aadhaar-authenticated PM Vishwakarma portal.

Question-7: What is the objective of the scheme?

Answer. The scheme aims to empower traditional artisans, provide skill enhancement, offer financial aid, promote digital transactions, and give them recognition as Vishwakarma.

Question-8: Is there any age restriction for beneficiaries?

Answer. Yes, the minimum age for beneficiaries should be 18 years on the date of registration.

Question-9: How is the loan disbursed under PM Vishwakarma Yojana?

Answer. The loan is disbursed in two tranches: the first tranche of up to Rs. 1 lakh and the second tranche of up to Rs. 2 lakh, with specific conditions and milestones.

Question-10: Is there any fee for enrollment under the scheme?

Answer. No, there is no fee or charge for enrollment under PM Vishwakarma Yojana. The entire cost is borne by the government.

Question-11: Who are eligible for PM Vishwakarma scheme?

Answer. An artisan or craftsperson working with hands and tools in one of the family-based traditional trades specified in Para 2.3, in the unorganized or informal sector, on a self-employment basis.

Question-12: What is the age limit for PM Vishwakarma Yojana?

Answer. The minimum age of the beneficiary should be 18 years on the date of registration.

Question-13: What are the benefits of PM Vishwakarma?

Answer. Recognition as Vishwakarma through Certificate and ID Card, skill training, toolkit incentive, collateral-free enterprise development loans, concessional interest rates, and marketing support.

Question-14: What is the interest rate of PM Vishwakarma Yojana?

Answer. The concessional rate of interest chargeable to beneficiaries for a loan will be fixed at 5% & for Banks or other businesses, its 8%.

Question-15: How can one apply for Vishwakarma Yojana?

Answer. Application for enrollment can be done through Common Service Centres (CSCs) or online application through the Aadhaar-based biometric authenticated PM Vishwakarma portal.

Question-16: What is the monthly pension scheme by PM Modi?

Answer. There arre many Monthly Pension Schemes are available which are green flagged by PM Modi, such as Atal Pension Scheme, Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan Dhan Yojana and many more.

Question-17: Under which ministry does the PM Vishwakarma Scheme fall?

Answer. The PM Vishwakarma Scheme falls under the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME).

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