Extracellular Vesicles UPSC

Researchers discovered a new defense mechanism in the body using tiny structures called extracellular vesicles to block viruses like Zika and dengue from spreading through saliva and semen. This finding could lead to better ways to fight these viruses and understand how they evolve. Read this blog to know complete detals about this discovery!

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Indopria Wasp UPSC - Discovery of New wasp Species in India

Discovery of New Parasitoid Wasp named ‘Indopria’, complete details about Indopria UPSC, ZSI discovery of New wasp, What is Indopria, What are Parasitoid Wasp. Total Species of Wasp in India, Indopria, its naming, classification, habitat, physical characteristics, taxonomy, etymology, significance, total species, All classifications of Wasps in India, Key Facts, FAQs, UPSC Questions

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what is Melanochlamys Droupadi UPSC

The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) has discovered a new marine species (Melanochlamys Droupadi) of head-shield sea slug with a ruby red spot, on the West Bengal and Odisha coasts. Get all Details about Melanochlamys Droupadi UPSC & what is Melanochlamys Droupadi.

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The Eastern Marsh Harrier

What is the Eastern Marsh Harrier? Eastern Marsh Harrier UPSC, Complete Details about Eastern Marsh Harrier, introduction, why in the news, about this bird, about Madurantakam Lake, about this bird, Description, Eastern Marsh Harrier Photos, Scientific name, Scientific Facts, Significance, Origin, Habitat, Diet, Behavior, Taxonomy, Reproduction, Range / Distribution, Conservation Status, Threats, Latest News, Key Facts, Interesting Facts, FAQs, UPSC Questions

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What is Edward Syndrome UPSC

What is edward syndrome? Edward Syndrome UPSC, UPSC Current Affairs on Edward Syndrome, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 18 UPSC, Complete details about edward syndrome, features, characteristics, genetics, mnemonic, means, causes, upsc, what is it?, down syndrome, patau syndrome, abnormalities, another name of edward syndrome, facts , difference between edward and patau syndrome, chromosome formula, clinical features, complications, cure, differential diagnosis, definition, diagnosis, description, effects, epidemiology, etiology, genotype, genetics, how does occur, inherited, diagnosed, edward johnson syndrome, what causes, life expectancy, treatment, patau, prognosis, radiology, reason, symptoms, signs, types

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Latest News on Synthetic Human Antibody, Synthetic Antibody for Snakebite Treatment UPSC, What is newly developed synthetic antibody for snake bites? Complete details, About Synthetic Antibody that Neutralize Snake Bite Toxin, What are Antibodies?, What are Three Finger Toxins(3FTx)? , Significance of Antibodies, Key Facts on this development

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New species of green anaconda upsc

What are Green Anaconda? Discovery of Biggest Snake in the world, Biggest Snake in the world UPSC, New Snake Species UPSC, Green Anaconda UPSC, Why Green Anaconda are in news? Latest news, recent updates, all updates about Green Anaconda, Eunectes akayima, Eunectes murinus, details about Green Anaconda, about, photos, scientific names, facts, new research, discovery, different species, name of the biggest snake in the world, taxonomy of Green Anaconda, maximum sie, ecology, distribution, range, habitat, behavior, food, diet, reproduction, conservation status, lifespan, key facts, faqs, upsc questions

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What is Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu? - Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu UPSC

What is Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu? Discovery of Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu, All details about Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu, Features, characteristics, physical characteristics, UPSC questions, Sphaerotheca Varshaabhu UPSC, Latest News, Updates, Biodiversity, discover, discovery of new species in India,

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