Katchatheevu Island UPSC

Complete Details about Katchatheevu Island and India-Sri Lanka Relations 2024 – PreCrack.in

Complete Details about Katchatheevu Island and India-Sri Lanka Relations 2024 – PreCrack.in

Introduction to Katchatheevu Island UPSC

Welcome to PreCrack! The Katchatheevu Island topic is again in controversy. Recently, PM Narendra Modi and then Union Minister S. Jaishankar has made many remarks on Katchatheevu Island & now Sri Lanka is also taking these remarks seriously and world is looking for a premier geopolitical shift in India and Sri Lanka bilateral relations.

In India, if you are preparing for major competitive examinations such as UPSC, SSC or more, then getting updated with latest internal news of India and geopolitical topics is crucial for both UPSC Prelims and UPSC Mains exam. If you are looking for the complete details about Katchatheevu Island, then in this blog, we have added a complete details about Katchatheevu Island.

So, let’s start-

Katchatheevu Island UPSC, What is Katchatheevu Island, complete details about Katchatheevu Island, introduction, why in the news, upsc current affairs, key facts, map of Katchatheevu Island, complete controversy, background, Katchatheevu agreement 1974, Indira Gandhi, significance, for India, for Srilanka, FAQs, Katchatheevu Island UPSC Questions 2024
Katchatheevu Island UPSC

Read Also | What is Annual Katchatheevu Church Festival? – Complete Details on Katchatheevu Festival 2024

Why is Katchatheevu Island in the News? – UPSC Current Affairs 2024

Katchatheevu Island is in the news due to remarks made by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, suggesting that the Congress party had “callously given away” the island to Sri Lanka. This sparked criticism from Sri Lankan media and fishermen’s associations, accusing Indian leaders of politicizing the issue and stirring communal sentiments.

Additionally, the remarks drew attention to the longstanding fisheries conflict in the Palk Strait, with Indian leaders linking frequent arrests of Indian fishermen in Sri Lankan waters to the cession of Katchatheevu. Sri Lankan fishermen’s groups argue against this linkage, calling for action against destructive fishing practices instead.

Source – The Hindu

What remarks has been made on Katchatheevu Island by PM Modi & Union Minister S. JaiShankar?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Minister S. Jaishankar made remarks suggesting that the Congress party had “callously given away” Katchatheevu Island to Sri Lanka. They implied that this decision had contributed to the frequent arrests of Indian fishermen in Sri Lankan waters. However, their remarks were criticized by Sri Lankan media and fishermen’s associations, who accused them of politicizing the issue and stirring communal sentiments for electoral gains.

Complete Details about Katchatheevu Island

We have added all the details about Katchatheevu Island below-

What is Katchatheevu Island?

Katchatheevu Island is an uninhabited island currently administered by Sri Lanka. It’s located in the Palk Strait, between India and Sri Lanka. Here’s a summary of the island’s key points:

  • Ownership: Sri Lanka. Controlled by British Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) since 1921.
  • Dispute: Claimed by both India and Sri Lanka until 1974.
  • Resolution: In 1974, India ceded the island to Sri Lanka as part of an agreement on maritime boundaries. This decision by the Indian government is still controversial, particularly in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
  • Traditionally used by: Fishermen from both Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu in India.

Map of Katchatheevu Island

This is the map of Katchatheevu Island:

Why Katchatheevu Island is in the Controversy?

These are the reason why Katchatheevu Island is in the controversy:

1. Territorial Dispute

The primary reason for the controversy surrounding Katchatheevu Island is the territorial dispute between India and Sri Lanka. India ceded the island to Sri Lanka through a bilateral agreement in 1974, a decision that has been contentious and disputed by various parties, particularly in Tamil Nadu, India.

2. Impact on Fishing Rights

The transfer of Katchatheevu has raised concerns about the impact on the traditional fishing rights of Indian fishermen, particularly those from Tamil Nadu. There have been instances of Indian fishermen being arrested by Sri Lankan authorities for allegedly trespassing into Sri Lankan waters near Katchatheevu, leading to tensions and protests.

3. Political Sensitivities

The issue of Katchatheevu has significant political implications, especially in Tamil Nadu. Politicians and political parties in the region often use it as a rallying point, leveraging sentiments around Tamil pride and asserting the need to reclaim the island or renegotiate its status.

4. Legal and Diplomatic Challenges

The controversy surrounding Katchatheevu poses legal and diplomatic challenges for both India and Sri Lanka. Questions regarding the validity of the agreement transferring the island and the interpretation of maritime boundaries continue to complicate bilateral relations between the two countries.

5. Fisheries Conflict

Katchatheevu Island is situated in an area rich in marine resources, making it a focal point for the broader fisheries conflict between India and Sri Lanka. Issues such as illegal fishing practices, overfishing, and disputes over fishing rights exacerbate tensions in the region, further contributing to the controversy surrounding the island.

Background of Katchatheevu Island

Katchatheevu Island has a complex history that intertwines with the maritime boundaries between India and Sri Lanka. Here’s a breakdown of its background:-

Geological Formation

  • Emerged from a volcanic eruption in the 14th century, making it a relatively young island.

Early Control

  • Initially controlled by the Jaffna Kingdom of Sri Lanka during the early medieval period.
  • By the 17th century, it came under the rule of the Ramnad Zamindari in India.

British Era and Dispute

  • During British rule in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the island became part of the Madras Presidency (British India).
  • Both India and Sri Lanka claimed Katchatheevu in 1921, primarily to define fishing rights in the surrounding waters.

Ceding of Sovereignty (1974)

  • In 1974, a maritime agreement between India and Sri Lanka resulted in India recognizing Sri Lanka’s sovereignty over Katchatheevu. This decision by the Indian government remains controversial, particularly among Tamil Nadu fishermen who traditionally fished in the area.

Reasons Behind the Dispute

  • Fishing Rights: The island sits in a fish-rich zone, and access to these resources is crucial for fishermen on both sides.
  • Historical Claims: Both India and Sri Lanka have historical ties to the region, leading to differing interpretations of ownership.
  • Tamil Community Concerns: The decision to cede the island impacted Tamil Nadu fishermen who felt their traditional fishing grounds were restricted.

Current Status

  • Sri Lanka administers Katchatheevu Island.
  • The agreement allows Indian fishermen access to a designated area around the island for fishing, but tensions persist.

Katchatheevu Agreement 1974 UPSC

The Katchatheevu Agreement of 1974 was a bilateral agreement between India and Sri Lanka regarding the transfer of Katchatheevu Island from India to Sri Lanka. The main points of the agreement are as follows:-

  • Cession of Territory: India agreed to cede control of Katchatheevu Island to Sri Lanka through the agreement.
  • Maritime Boundary: The agreement specified the maritime boundary between India and Sri Lanka in the vicinity of Katchatheevu.
  • Traditional Fishing Rights: The agreement recognized the traditional fishing rights of fishermen from both countries in the waters surrounding Katchatheevu.
  • Religious Rights: The rights of Indian fishermen to visit the St. Anthony’s Church on Katchatheevu Island for religious purposes were also acknowledged in the agreement.
  • Non-Militarization: Both countries agreed that Katchatheevu Island would not be used for military purposes.

The agreement was signed on June 26, 1974, by the then Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, and the then Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Sirimavo Bandaranaike.

Significance of Katchatheevu Island

Significance for India

1. Fishing Rights

Katchatheevu Island is located in an area with rich fishing grounds, and access to these waters is crucial for Indian fishermen, particularly those from Tamil Nadu. The island’s proximity to Indian shores makes it a vital fishing area for Indian fishermen, and any restrictions on access can impact their livelihoods.

2. Political Implications

The issue of Katchatheevu holds political significance in India, particularly in Tamil Nadu. Politicians and political parties often raise the issue to garner support, leveraging sentiments around Tamil identity and fishing rights. Therefore, how the Indian government handles the Katchatheevu dispute can have repercussions in domestic politics.

3. Maritime Security

The control of Katchatheevu Island has implications for India’s maritime security. Its strategic location in the Palk Strait makes it relevant for monitoring maritime activities in the region. Ensuring a favorable resolution to the Katchatheevu dispute is essential for India to maintain control over its maritime boundaries and security interests.

4. Bilateral Relations

How India engages with Sri Lanka on the Katchatheevu issue has implications for bilateral relations between the two countries. Resolving the dispute amicably can strengthen ties, while tensions over the island can strain relations between India and Sri Lanka.

5. Legal and Diplomatic Challenges

The Katchatheevu dispute poses legal and diplomatic challenges for India. Questions regarding the validity of agreements, maritime boundaries, and fishing rights require careful navigation to ensure India’s interests are protected while maintaining cordial relations with Sri Lanka.

Significance for Sri Lanka

1. Territorial Sovereignty

Control over Katchatheevu Island asserts Sri Lanka’s territorial sovereignty in the region. The island’s ownership signifies Sri Lanka’s control over its maritime boundaries and reinforces its sovereignty over adjacent waters.

2. Resource Management

Katchatheevu Island is situated in an area with abundant marine resources. Sri Lanka can benefit economically from the exploitation of these resources, including fishing grounds and potential mineral deposits, which can contribute to the country’s development.

3. Legal and Diplomatic Standing

Sri Lanka’s control over Katchatheevu Island strengthens its legal and diplomatic standing in negotiations with India and other neighboring countries. It allows Sri Lanka to assert its rights and interests in maritime disputes and resource management discussions.

4. Maritime Security

Control over Katchatheevu Island enhances Sri Lanka’s maritime security capabilities. The island’s strategic location in the Palk Strait enables Sri Lanka to monitor and regulate maritime activities in the region, contributing to efforts to combat illegal fishing, smuggling, and other maritime threats.

5. Bilateral Relations

How Sri Lanka manages the Katchatheevu issue impacts its bilateral relations with India. Resolving any disputes related to the island in a mutually beneficial manner can strengthen ties between the two countries, fostering cooperation in various areas of mutual interest.

India & Sri Lanka Relations in 2024

While Katchatheevu Island is a point of lingering tension, India and Sri Lanka’s relations in 2024 are expected to be multifaceted, with both areas of cooperation and potential challenges:

Areas of Cooperation

  • Economic Ties: Sri Lanka’s 2022 economic crisis created an opening for India to expand its economic footprint. Investments in infrastructure, tourism (potentially boosted by Indian tourists due to a diplomatic row with the Maldives), and renewable energy projects are likely to grow.
  • Security: India remains a crucial security partner for Sri Lanka, with potential collaboration on maritime security and counter-terrorism initiatives.
  • Development Assistance: India is likely to continue providing development assistance to Sri Lanka, potentially focusing on regions like the North and East, which have a significant Tamil population.

Katchatheevu and Fishing Rights

  • Limited Progress: Despite ongoing discussions, a definitive solution on fishing rights around Katchatheevu Island might not be reached in 2024. However, agreements on other fishing areas or joint fisheries management efforts are possibilities.
  • Domestic Pressures: Political pressure from Tamil Nadu in India to address fishermen’s concerns could remain a hurdle.

Other Potential Challenges

  • China Factor: India may continue to view Sri Lanka’s growing ties with China with some concern, potentially impacting some aspects of their relationship.
  • Tamil Reconciliation: Sri Lanka’s progress on reconciliation with the Tamil minority will be watched closely by India, which has a large Tamil population.

Overall Outlook

  • Despite the Katchatheevu issue, India and Sri Lanka’s relations are expected to see a continuation of engagement in 2024, driven by economic compulsions, security concerns, and historical ties.
  • Finding a mutually acceptable solution on Katchatheevu fishing rights might be a long-term process, but other areas of cooperation are likely to take precedence.

10 Key Facts about Katchatheevu Island

We have added all major key facts about Katchatheevu Island-

Name of IslandKatchatheevu Island
AreaApproximately 1.9 square kilometers (0.73 sq mi)
LocationLocated in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka
History* Emerged from a volcanic eruption in the 14th century.
* Controlled by the Jaffna Kingdom of Sri Lanka (early medieval period).
* Under the rule of the Ramnad Zamindari (India) by the 17th century.
* Claimed by both India and Sri Lanka in the 1920s for fishing rights.
* Ceded to Sri Lanka by India in the 1974 maritime agreement.
Why in Controversy* Fishing rights in surrounding waters are a major point of contention for Indian fishermen.
* The agreement granting access to a designated area is seen as insufficient by some.
* Detentions of Indian fishermen who stray beyond the zone create tension.
* Tamil Nadu fishermen feel their traditional fishing grounds are restricted.
* The ceding of the island itself is a sensitive political issue in India.
Significance* Strategic location in the Palk Strait.
* Traditionally used by fishermen from both India and Sri Lanka.
* Potential for future tourism development.
ReligionNo dominant religion, although a church (St. Anthony’s) is present on the island.
Length1.6 KM
OwnerSri Lanka (as per the 1974 agreement)
Additional Points* Part of a larger maritime boundary dispute between the two countries.
* Subject of ongoing discussions and potential future agreements.
* Home to a variety of marine life.
* Considered a sensitive topic with cultural and economic significance.
10 Key Facts about Katchatheevu Island

FAQs – Katchatheevu Island UPSC Questions

Question-1: What is the Katchatheevu Island issue?

Answer. The Katchatheevu Island issue refers to the longstanding dispute between India and Sri Lanka regarding the sovereignty and fishing rights over Katchatheevu Island, located in the Palk Strait. The issue involves territorial claims, fishing rights of Indian fishermen, and the impact on bilateral relations between the two countries.

Question-2: What is the Katchatheevu Agreement of 1974?

Answer. The Katchatheevu Agreement of 1974 was a bilateral agreement between India and Sri Lanka, where India ceded control of Katchatheevu Island to Sri Lanka. The agreement delineated maritime boundaries, recognized fishing rights, and ensured access to religious sites for Indian fishermen.

Question-3: Which country does Katchatheevu Island belong to?

Answer. Katchatheevu Island belongs to Sri Lanka. It was ceded to Sri Lanka by India through the Katchatheevu Agreement of 1974.

Question-4: Where is Katchatheevu Island located?

Answer. Katchatheevu Island is located in the Palk Strait, between India and Sri Lanka.

Question-5: What is the distance from Sri Lanka to Katchatheevu Island?

Answer. The distance from Sri Lanka to Katchatheevu Island varies depending on the specific location on the Sri Lankan coast. Generally, it is around 17-20 kilometers.

Question-6: What is the Katchatheevu Festival 2024?

Answer. The Katchatheevu Festival is an annual event held by Indian fishermen to commemorate the St. Anthony’s feast on Katchatheevu Island. It involves religious rituals, cultural activities, and gatherings of fishermen from both India and Sri Lanka.

Question-7: What is the connection between Katchatheevu Island and Indira Gandhi?

Answer. Indira Gandhi, the former Prime Minister of India, played a significant role in the Katchatheevu issue. Her government signed the Katchatheevu Agreement of 1974, which resulted in the cession of the island to Sri Lanka.

Question-8: What is the history of Katchatheevu Island?

Answer. Katchatheevu Island has a complex history, involving disputes between various regional powers and colonial rulers. It has been a point of contention between India and Sri Lanka, particularly regarding fishing rights and territorial sovereignty.

Question-9: What is the population of Katchatheevu Island?

Answer. Katchatheevu Island has no permanent population. It is primarily used by fishermen for fishing activities and occasional religious events.

Question-10: What is the controversy surrounding Katchatheevu?

Answer. The Katchatheevu controversy revolves around issues such as territorial sovereignty, fishing rights, and the impact on bilateral relations between India and Sri Lanka. It has been a contentious issue, particularly in Tamil Nadu, India, where it is seen as a matter of regional pride and identity.

Question-11: Is Katchatheevu part of the UPSC syllabus?

Answer. Katchatheevu Island and its associated issues may be included in the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) syllabus under topics such as Indian foreign policy, maritime disputes, and bilateral relations with neighboring countries. Candidates preparing for the UPSC exam should be aware of the historical background, legal aspects, and geopolitical significance of Katchatheevu Island.

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