One Nation One Election UPSC

10 Key Reasons Why India Needs One Nation One Election Policy – Pros & Cons of One Nation One Election Policy

What is One Nation One Election Policy? Complete Information with Concept, Meaning, Objectives, Features, Benefits, How does it work? One Nation One Election Pros & Cons, its Need, Merits & Demerits, Advantages & Disadvantages, Positive Points & Negative Points, Fayde aur nuksan, Favour Points, Against Points, Good or Bad, Problems, Criticism, Drawback in Idea of ONOE, Importance, Significance, UPSC Questions & Answers, Quiz on One Nation One Election Policy, Countries with this Policies, Interesting Facts, in Hindi, Latest news & Latest Updates on One Nation One Election Policy, NITI Aayog Report, High Level Committee.
One Nation One Election Explained! – Pros & Cons of ONOE – Why India Needs ONOE

10 Key Reasons Why India Needs One Nation One Election Policy – Pros & Cons of One Nation One Election Policy

Introduction to the Blog

Recently, we have seen that the idea & proposal of “One Nation One Election Policy” was opposed by AAP (Aam Admi Party) Leaders. Before that, for checking the credibility & ground level implications & Enforcement of this idea, a High Level Committee led by former president of India Ram Nath Kovind, was formulated.

This Idea was mainly proposed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a Election rally. However, there are people who talks in favour of the Idea of One Nation One Election Policy and few talks in against.

Those who are preparing for UPSC CSE like Examination, need to prepare its both aspects. In this blog, we have added details about All Aspects of One Nation One Election Policy with Some UPSC Level Quiz & Questions & Answer of this idea of ONOE.

So, let’s start-

What is One Nation One Election Policy – Idea of One Nation One Election Explained – Complete Information about One Nation One Election Policy (Simplified)

The “One Nation, One Election” policy is like a big plan to change how elections happen in India. The main idea is to make sure that the elections for the national government (Lok Sabha) and the state governments all across the country happen at the same time. This way, there won’t be elections happening all the time in different places.

Before 1967, India used to have elections for the national government and state governments together. But things changed because of some problems like politicians changing parties, governments getting dismissed, and state assemblies getting dissolved. These issues led to separate elections for the national and state governments.

Now, the “One Nation, One Election” idea is to go back to the old way but in a new and organized manner. The plan aims to solve problems caused by having elections at different times in different places. Supporters believe that having all elections together will save a lot of money because elections cost a large amount of public funds. It will also help in avoiding interruptions in the work of the government due to elections happening frequently.

The Law Commission, which is like a group that gives suggestions about laws, talked about this idea in 1999. They said that to make this happen, we might need to change some rules and laws. But it’s not that simple because all the states have to agree and make changes in their own rules to match the national plan.

Even though many people like the idea of “One Nation, One Election” for making things more efficient and saving money, there are still discussions and debates about how to make it work and whether everyone should agree on it.

Objectives of One Nation One Election  – One Nation One Election UPSC

There are many Objectives of One Nation One Election Policy in India. If it Implemented, it will service to satisfy many objectives. However, we have added a few of One Nation One Election   Objectives below-

1. Cost Reduction

One of the primary objectives of the “One Nation, One Election” initiative is to reduce the massive expenditure incurred by the government, political parties, and stakeholders due to frequent and staggered elections at different levels.

2. Efficient Resource Utilization

Simultaneous elections aim to optimize the utilization of resources, including electronic voting machines, security forces, and election officers, thereby streamlining the electoral process.

3. Avoiding Administrative Paralysis

The initiative seeks to overcome the administrative paralysis caused by the Model Code of Conduct during elections, allowing the government to continue with developmental work without interruptions.

4. Enhanced Governance Focus

By minimizing the distractions caused by recurring elections, the government can maintain a continuous focus on governance and policy implementation, fostering stability and efficiency.

5. Reduced Disruption in Developmental Activities

Simultaneous elections aim to mitigate disruptions in developmental activities caused by prolonged election periods, ensuring sustained progress in various projects and initiatives.

6. Prevention of Horse-Trading

The initiative intends to curb instances of political instability and horse-trading that may arise from the frequent occurrence of elections, promoting a more stable political environment.

7. Consistency in Policy Decision-Making

“One Nation, One Election” aims to facilitate the consistent formulation and implementation of policy decisions by avoiding the restrictions imposed by the Model Code of Conduct during elections.

8. Minimization of Logistical Challenges

Conducting elections simultaneously is expected to minimize logistical challenges associated with the availability and security of electronic voting machines, personnel deployment, and overall election management.

9. Political Accountability

By aligning elections, the initiative seeks to enhance political accountability, reducing the chances of political parties diverting attention from local issues to national ones during different election cycles.

10. Streamlining Electoral Process

The overarching goal is to create a more streamlined and efficient electoral process, ensuring that the democratic exercise is conducted at regular intervals without causing prolonged disruptions to governance and development.

Why Does India Need Implementation of One Nation One Election Policy?

There are many reasons why India needs One Nation One Election Policy. We have added 10 points, that covers the need of One Nation One Election in India-

  1. Less Distraction: One Nation, One Election would mean fewer elections happening all the time. This helps the government focus on work instead of getting involved in elections all the time.
  2. Continuous Planning: With all elections at the same time, the government can plan and make decisions without interruptions. Right now, elections cause a temporary stop in work.
  3. Saving Money: Holding elections costs a lot of money. If all elections are at the same time, it would save a huge amount of public and political funds, reducing the burden on everyone.
  4. Less Corruption: Frequent elections lead to more corruption because politicians need money for campaigns. Simultaneous elections can reduce the need for constant fundraising, lowering the chances of corruption.
  5. Efficient Resource Use: The Election Commission spends a lot of money organizing elections. If elections happen together, the expenses can be reduced, and the resources can be used more efficiently.
  6. Quick Implementation of Policies: Elections bring in a set of rules that stop new policy decisions. Simultaneous elections mean governments can quickly implement policies without delays caused by the Model Code of Conduct.
  7. Reduced Security Deployment: Elections require a lot of security forces. With simultaneous elections, the need for massive redeployment of security personnel can be reduced, saving costs and keeping law enforcement focused on their main duties.
  8. No Missing Voter Names: Using the same voter rolls for all elections means citizens don’t have to worry about their names being missing. It makes the process easier for everyone.
  9. Stable State Finances: Frequent elections force governments to announce freebies to win votes. With fewer elections, state finances could become more stable, reducing the need for constant giveaways.
  10. Less Political Switching: Fixed intervals for elections can make it harder for politicians to change parties for personal gain. Simultaneous elections create a more stable political environment.

How One Nation One Election Policy will work? – How Does ONOE work?

We have added 10 steps to know the working of ONOE policy on ground-

Step 1: Coordination with Election Commission

The Election Commission of India plays a crucial role in coordinating and executing simultaneous elections. Collaborative planning with the EC involves setting a common election schedule.

Step 2: Election Schedule Alignment

Establish a unified election schedule, ensuring that elections for the Lok Sabha, state assemblies, and other local bodies coincide. This may involve adjusting the tenure of some assemblies.

Step 3: Voter Education

Launch a comprehensive voter education campaign to inform citizens about the changes in the election schedule and the importance of participating in all levels of the electoral process.

Step 4: Political Parties’ Compliance

Political parties need to align their election strategies to participate in simultaneous polls. Compliance with the synchronized schedule is essential for the success of the initiative.

Step 5: Logistical Planning

Plan logistics such as electronic voting machines, personnel deployment, and security arrangements to accommodate the larger scale of simultaneous elections.

Step 6: Model Code of Conduct Adaptation

Adjust the application of the Model Code of Conduct to ensure that it does not disrupt developmental activities. Clear guidelines are established for the conduct of political parties during the election period.

Step 7: Phase-wise Execution

Implement the synchronized elections in phases, allowing for effective management and supervision. This may involve dividing the electoral process into multiple stages to ensure smooth execution.

Step 8: Technology Integration

Leverage technology for efficient voter registration, polling, and result tabulation. Integration of voter databases and election management systems helps streamline the process.

Step 9: Monitoring and Evaluation

Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation system to assess the implementation of simultaneous elections. Regular checks ensure adherence to the defined schedule and identify areas for improvement.

Step 10: Adaptation and Iterative Improvement

Based on the experiences gained from the initial cycles of simultaneous elections, continually adapt and refine the process. Incorporate feedback from stakeholders, electoral officials, and citizens to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the system.

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Pros & Cons of One Nation One Election– Advantages & Disadvantages of ONOE – Fayde aur Nuksan – Merits & Demerits of ONOE – Positive & Negative Points of ONOE

There are many Positive & Negative Points for One Nation One Election Idea. We have listed a few of them below-

Pros (Benefits/Merits/Fayde/Positive Points/Advantages of ONOE)Cons (Problems/Demerits/Nuksan/Negative Points/Disadvantages of ONOE)
1. Focused Governance: Allows the government to concentrate on governance without frequent disruptions.1. Feasibility Concerns: Constitutional challenges regarding mid-tenure government collapses and potential re-elections.
2. Continuous Planning: Enables consistent planning and decision-making without interruptions from elections.2. Logistical Challenges: Poses challenges in terms of logistics, availability, and security of voting machines and personnel.
3. Saving Money: Reduces election expenses, saving significant public and political funds.3. Against Federalism: Contradicts the federal structure as India is a “Union of States.”
4. Efficiency in Election Expenses: Drastically reduces election expenses for political parties and the Election Commission.4. Legal Challenges: Requires constitutional amendments and ratification by 50% of states.
5. Quick Implementation of Policies: Avoids delays in policy implementation due to the Model Code of Conduct during elections.5. Overshadowing Regional Interests: Risks blending regional and national issues, reducing accountability.
6. Reduced Deployment of Security Forces: Minimizes the need for extensive redeployment of security personnel during elections.6. May Not be Cost-Effective: Initial costs for infrastructure may outweigh long-term savings.
7. End of Horse Trading: Reduces the potential for horse-trading and political instability between elections.7. Election Expenses Aren’t Always Bad: Election spending can stimulate the economy and contribute to tax revenues.
8. Reduced Freebies and Improved State Finances: Lessens the need for frequent announcements of freebies, improving state finances.8. Governance Challenges: Raises questions about governance if the central government collapses mid-tenure.
9. Stable State Finances: Frequent elections often lead to financial strain on state governments.9. Historical Challenges: Past attempts at simultaneous elections faced challenges and were abandoned.
10. Political Consistency: Reduces the chance of political switching between parties during different election cycles.10. Political Dynamics: Maintaining political momentum over a long period is challenging.
11. Continuity in Policy Decisions: Ensures a continuous flow of policy decisions without disruptions due to elections.11. Logistical Concerns: Electronic voting machines and resources pose logistical challenges.
12. Reduced Cost of Elections: Simultaneous elections can lead to substantial cost savings for both political parties and the Election Commission.12. International Inspiration: Parallels with the ‘coat-tails effect’ in the USA, with debates on its generalizability.
13. Efficiency in Election Expenses: Drastically reduces election expenses for political parties and the Election Commission.13. Political Consensus: Lack of unanimous agreement among political parties raises challenges.
14. Quick Implementation of Policies: Avoids delays in policy implementation due to the Model Code of Conduct during elections.14. Respect for Regional Diversity: Concerns about potential threats to democracy and federalism.
15. Reduced Deployment of Security Forces: Minimizes the need for extensive redeployment of security personnel during elections.15. Historical Challenges: Past attempts at simultaneous elections faced challenges and were abandoned.
16. End of Horse Trading: Reduces the potential for horse-trading and political instability between elections.16. Governance Challenges: Raises questions about governance if the central government collapses mid-tenure.
17. Reduced Freebies and Improved State Finances: Lessens the need for frequent announcements of freebies, improving state finances.17. May Not be Cost-Effective: Initial costs for infrastructure may outweigh long-term savings.
18. Stable State Finances: Frequent elections often lead to financial strain on state governments.18. Election Expenses Aren’t Always Bad: Election spending can stimulate the economy and contribute to tax revenues.
19. Political Consistency: Reduces the chance of political switching between parties during different election cycles.19. Political Dynamics: Maintaining political momentum over a long period is challenging.
20. Continuity in Policy Decisions: Ensures a continuous flow of policy decisions without disruptions due to elections.20. Respect for Regional Diversity: Concerns about potential threats to democracy and federalism.
Pros & Cons of ONOE – Advantages & Disadvantages of ONOE – Fayde aur Nuksan – Merits & Demerits of ONOE – Positive & Negative Points of ONOE

Why Does India Need One Nation One Election Policy?

India is considering the “One Nation, One Election” (ONOE) policy to conduct Lok Sabha and state assembly elections together once every five years. The idea is to bring several benefits to the country. First, it would help the government focus on governance without frequent disruptions, ensuring continuous planning and efficient policy implementation.

By reducing the financial burden of frequent elections, ONOE could lead to substantial cost savings, benefitting both political parties and the Election Commission. The policy aims to end horse-trading, political instability, and the need for frequent announcements of freebies, which can improve state finances and lead to stable financial conditions for states.

Simultaneous elections may also reduce the strain on security forces, minimize logistical challenges, and avoid policy paralysis caused by the Model Code of Conduct during elections. Furthermore, ONOE could bring about political consistency, reducing the chance of frequent political switches between parties.

Overall, proponents argue that this policy would streamline the electoral process, enhance governance, and save significant resources, contributing to a more efficient and effective democratic system in India.

Drawback of this Idea

While the “One Nation, One Election” (ONOE) policy in India has potential advantages, there are notable drawbacks to consider. One significant challenge is the feasibility concern regarding the constitutional framework and potential mid-tenure government collapses. The need for constitutional amendments and ratification by 50% of states poses legal challenges, making the implementation of ONOE complex.

Logistically, organizing simultaneous elections presents challenges in terms of the availability and security of electronic voting machines, personnel, and resources. This could lead to operational difficulties for the Election Commission in managing such a massive exercise. Critics argue that ONOE may undermine the principles of federalism, contradicting the idea of India as a “Union of States.”

Historical challenges also exist, as past attempts at simultaneous elections were abandoned due to various state dynamics and challenges in maintaining political momentum over an extended period. Moreover, there is a concern about overshadowing regional interests, potentially blending local and national issues and reducing accountability.

While ONOE aims to reduce election expenses, critics argue that initial costs for infrastructure may outweigh long-term savings. Additionally, there are debates about the generalizability of international parallels, such as the ‘coat-tails effect’ observed in the USA. The lack of unanimous political consensus adds another layer of complexity to the adoption of this policy.

High Level Committee for One Nation One Election Policy

The High-Level Committee (HLC) for “One Nation, One Election,” constituted by the Government of India on September 2, 2023, marks a significant step toward examining the feasibility of synchronizing Lok Sabha and state legislative assembly elections.

Chaired by former President Ram Nath Kovind, the committee brings together key political figures and experts to deliberate on the multifaceted aspects of simultaneous elections.

The HLC’s formation was prompted by concerns over the frequent occurrence of elections, leading to substantial government expenditure, diversion of security forces, and disruptions in developmental work.

The Law Commission of India and a parliamentary committee had earlier recommended exploring the possibility of conducting elections simultaneously, setting the stage for the HLC’s establishment.

Members of the committee include Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, former Leader of Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad, Chairman of the 15th Finance Commission NK Singh, former Lok Sabha Secretary General Dr.

Subhash C Kashyap, senior advocate Harish Salve, and former Chief Vigilance Commissioner Sanjay Kothari. Their collective expertise and diverse perspectives contribute to a comprehensive examination of the issues surrounding simultaneous elections.

Reactions to the committee’s formation have been mixed, with proponents emphasizing the democratic evolution and opponents expressing skepticism about the government’s intentions.

The HLC’s task is to thoroughly investigate the challenges and benefits of “One Nation, One Election” and present recommendations that align with the national interest. The committee’s work is anticipated to foster public discussions and potentially influence future electoral reforms in India.

10 Key Reasons why India Need One Nation One Election Policy (ONOE)

We have added top 10 key reasons why India Need One Nation One Election Policy (ONOE) below-

1. Reduced Expenditure

ONOE curtails massive government spending on separate elections, ensuring efficient resource utilization. By synchronizing polls, India can save significant financial resources, redirecting funds towards critical sectors like healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

2. Uninterrupted Governance

Simultaneous elections prevent policy paralysis, allowing governments to continue developmental work without disruptions imposed by the Model Code of Conduct during frequent election cycles.

3. Enhanced Voter Participation

Streamlined elections encourage higher voter turnout, fostering stronger democratic engagement and representation. Voters, faced with fewer election events, are more likely to participate actively, leading to a more representative democratic process.

4. Economic Stability

Stable governance resulting from synchronized elections promotes investor confidence. The continuity of policy frameworks and reduced uncertainty create an environment conducive to economic growth and development.

5. Administrative Efficiency

ONOE optimizes the deployment of security forces and electoral officers, redirecting them to their primary duties for a more extended period. This ensures efficient administrative functioning and reduces disruption in various government operations.

6. Policy Consistency

Continuous governance facilitated by ONOE ensures consistent policy implementation. Avoiding delays due to election-related interruptions enables the government to execute policies more effectively, leading to tangible and sustained progress.

7. Federal Harmony

ONOE aims at harmonizing national and state electoral cycles. This fosters cooperative federalism, ensuring better coordination between the central and state governments for more effective governance and policy implementation.

8. Less Disruption to Development

Prolonged application of the Model Code of Conduct during separate elections hampers development work. ONOE minimizes such disruptions, allowing for sustained and uninterrupted progress in various developmental projects.

9. Public Awareness

Frequent elections can lead to voter fatigue and reduced civic engagement. ONOE ensures a more engaged and informed electorate by reducing the frequency of elections, fostering a healthier democratic process.

10. Global Image

Implementing ONOE enhances India’s global image by showcasing a robust and well-organized democratic system. This attracts international respect and admiration, positioning India as a stable and efficient democracy on the global stage.

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Importance & Significance of One Nation One Election Policy

We have added the Comprehensive Importance & significance of the One Nation One Election Policy below-

  1. Reduces frequent disruptions in governance due to election cycles.
  2. Minimizes wastage of public funds on multiple election processes.
  3. Enables focused policy implementation without Model Code of Conduct restrictions.
  4. Enhances administrative efficiency with synchronized electoral schedules.
  5. Promotes continuity in policymaking by eliminating election-related delays.
  6. Saves time and resources spent on recurring election preparations.
  7. Streamlines security deployment, reducing strain on law enforcement.
  8. Diminishes the impact of election-induced policy paralysis.
  9. Encourages long-term developmental planning without electoral interruptions.
  10. Cuts down on election-related expenses for political parties.
  11. Reduces the frequency of political campaigning and associated disruptions.
  12. Strengthens the federal structure by aligning national and state elections.
  13. Improves voter turnout and participation in the democratic process.
  14. Simplifies voter awareness campaigns with consolidated election schedules.
  15. Mitigates the influence of populism arising from frequent elections.
  16. Enhances public focus on governance rather than perpetual campaigning.
  17. Facilitates better utilization of government resources for public welfare.
  18. Reduces the need for constant election-related policy adjustments.
  19. Enhances stability in government, fostering long-term planning.
  20. Aligns with the principle of ‘One Nation, One Election’ for a unified democratic process.

One Nation One Election Policy in Hindi

“एक देश, एक चुनाव” नीति भारत में चुनाव की प्रक्रिया को बदलने की एक बड़ी योजना की तरह है। इस नीति का मुख्य विचार यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि पूरे देश में राष्ट्रीय सरकार (लोकसभा) और राज्य सरकारों के चुनाव एक ही समय पर हों। इस तरह हर समय अलग-अलग जगहों पर चुनाव नहीं होंगे.

एक छोटी सी गणित समझते है. वर्त्तमान समय में भारत में 28 राज्य और 8 केंद्र शासित प्रदेश है. केंद्रशासित प्रदेशों में से भी दिल्ली और पुडुचेरी में चुनाव होते है. मतलब भारत में 30 ऐसे स्थान है जहाँ हर 5 साल में एक बार चुनाव होते है, तक एक साल में कितने चुनाव हुए? 30/5 = 6 मतलब हमारे देश में राष्ट्रीय और राज्यीय स्तर की पार्टिया एक साल में 6 बार चुनाव लड़ने के लिए अपना ध्यान लोक कार्य से हटाकर केवल चुनाव जीतने में लगाती है.

अगर किसी मुख्य राजनैतिक पार्टी को एक चुनाव की तैयारी करने, प्रबंध करने, उसके लिए लोगों के पास जा जाकर रैलिया करने और उसे जीतने/हारने में अगर 2 महीने का न्यूनतम समय भी माने तो लोक कार्य पर लगने वाला ध्यान का समय 0 हो जायेगा.

लेकिन वही, अगर सभी राज्यों के और लोकसभा के चुनाव एक साथ हो जाये तो कम से कम 4 वर्षों तक एक पार्टी लोक कार्य पर ध्यान देने में लगा सकेगी. हांलाकि इसके कई पहलु और भी है जैसे कि, चुनावों में धंधली, किसी एक राज्य के चुनाव को अमान्य करार कर दिया जाना, बीच कार्यकाल किसी राज्य में सरकार गिर जाना, किसी कारणवश किसी राज्य में राष्ट्रपति शासन लगाया जाना, विधानसभाए ब्भंग होना, तथा और भी अनेकों पहलु है जिनपर पहले ध्यान दिया जाना जरूरी है.

1967 से पहले भारत में राष्ट्रीय सरकार और राज्य सरकारों के लिए एक साथ चुनाव होते थे। लेकिन राजनेताओं के दल बदलने, सरकारें बर्खास्त होने और राज्य विधानसभाओं के भंग होने जैसी कुछ समस्याओं के कारण चीजें बदल गईं। इन मुद्दों के कारण राष्ट्रीय और राज्य सरकारों के लिए अलग-अलग चुनाव हुए।

अब, “एक राष्ट्र, एक चुनाव” के प्रस्ताव पर फिरसे विचार किया जा रहा है लेकिन एक नए और संगठित तरीके से। इस योजना का लक्ष्य अलग-अलग स्थानों पर अलग-अलग समय पर चुनाव होने से होने वाली समस्याओं का समाधान करना है। समर्थकों का मानना है कि सभी चुनाव एक साथ कराने से बहुत सारा पैसा बचेगा क्योंकि चुनावों में बड़ी मात्रा में सार्वजनिक धन खर्च होता है। इससे बार-बार होने वाले चुनावों के कारण सरकारी कामकाज में होने वाली रुकावटों से बचने में भी मदद मिलेगी.

विधि आयोग, जो कानूनों के बारे में सुझाव देने वाले एक समूह की तरह है, ने 1999 में इस विचार के बारे में बात की थी। उन्होंने कहा कि ऐसा करने के लिए, हमें कुछ नियमों और कानूनों को बदलने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। लेकिन यह इतना आसान नहीं है क्योंकि सभी राज्यों को राष्ट्रीय योजना से मेल खाने के लिए सहमत होना होगा और अपने नियमों में बदलाव करना होगा।

हालाँकि बहुत से लोग चीजों को अधिक कुशल बनाने और पैसे बचाने के लिए “एक राष्ट्र, एक चुनाव” के विचार को पसंद करते हैं, फिर भी इसे कैसे काम में लाया जाए और क्या सभी को इस पर सहमत होना चाहिए, इस पर अभी भी चर्चा और बहस चल रही है।

Latest News on One Nation One Election Policy – Latest Updates

Here we have added a summary of the latest developments regarding One Nation One Election:

Latest Developments on One Nation One Election:

  1. Law Commission Presents Roadmap: The Law Commission presented a roadmap, including proposed constitutional changes, to the High-Level Committee (HLC) on One Nation, One Election, chaired by former President Ram Nath Kovind. The HLC has been officially renamed from the ‘One Nation One Election Committee.’
  2. Feasibility Study: The Law Commission, tasked by the Law Ministry, is studying the feasibility of holding simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. The HLC will further examine the possibility of including panchayat and municipality elections in this synchronization.
  3. Views of Political Parties: The HLC, in its first meeting, decided to seek the views of political parties on holding simultaneous elections. Letters were sent to national and state parties, as well as registered unrecognised parties, inviting their suggestions on the One Nation, One Election proposal.
  4. Composition Concerns: Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge expressed strong opposition to the idea, stating that it goes against the guarantees of federalism in the Constitution. He raised concerns about the composition of the HLC, claiming it lacks substantial representation for opposition parties.
  5. Financial Savings Argument: Kharge criticized the focus on financial savings, arguing that the cost of elections is a small percentage of the total budget. He suggested that transparency in funding, especially regarding electoral bonds, should be prioritized.
  6. Niti Aayog Report Criticism: The Congress rejected the Niti Aayog report on the proposal, stating that it is neither a constitutional nor a statutory body. Kharge emphasized that the committee should make its own recommendations rather than relying on external reports.
  7. Premature Dissolution Concerns: Kharge raised concerns about the premature dissolution of state assemblies, calling it a betrayal of the electorate. He questioned the concept of simultaneous elections in a parliamentary system and criticized the dissolution of legislative assemblies mid-term.
  8. Opposition Unity: Several opposition parties, including Congress, Trinamool Congress, BSP, SP, and DMK, skipped the all-party meet called to discuss the One Nation, One Election proposal.

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FAQs on One Nation One Election Policy – One Nation One Election UPSC Questions – Questions and Answers on One Nation One Election

Question-1: What is One Nation One Election (ONOE)?

Answer. ONOE is a proposed electoral reform aiming to synchronize the timing of Lok Sabha and State Assembly elections across India.

Question-2: Why is ONOE being considered?

Answer. ONOE is being considered to reduce the frequency of elections, minimize disruptions in governance, and save public funds spent on multiple polls.

Question-3: How does ONOE differ from the current election system?

Answer. ONOE proposes holding Lok Sabha and State Assembly elections simultaneously, while the current system allows elections at different times.

Question-4: What are the benefits of implementing ONOE?

Answer. Benefits include focused governance, reduced policy paralysis, cost savings, and streamlined security deployment, among others.

Question-5: Is ONOE a new concept?

Answer. No, India practiced simultaneous elections from 1951-52 to 1967. The idea has been revisited multiple times, including in a 1999 Law Commission report.

Question-6: What challenges does ONOE face?

Answer. Challenges include constitutional amendments, logistical issues, federalism concerns, and legal hurdles outlined in Article 83(2) and 172 of the Constitution.

Question7: How will ONOE impact the political landscape?

Answer. ONOE could affect the political strategies of parties, as they would need to align their campaigns for both national and state elections.

Question-8: Will ONOE influence voter behavior?

Answer. It may influence voter turnout and participation by consolidating election dates and simplifying voter awareness campaigns.

Question-9: What is the public opinion on ONOE?

Answer. Public opinion varies; some see it as a way to enhance efficiency, while others express concerns about its impact on federalism.

Question-10: How can citizens contribute to the discussion on ONOE?

Answer. Citizens can engage in discussions, provide feedback during public consultations, and stay informed about the potential implications of ONOE on India’s democratic process.

Question-11: What challenges does the implementation of One Nation One Election face?

Answer. The problems associated with One Nation One Election include constitutional amendments, logistical hurdles, concerns about federalism, legal complexities outlined in Article 83(2) and 172, and the need for public acceptance and awareness.

Question-12: What are the key objectives of the One Nation One Election policy?

Answer. The objectives of One Nation One Election include synchronizing Lok Sabha and State Assembly elections, minimizing disruptions in governance, reducing election-related expenses, streamlining security deployment, and promoting focused policy implementation.

Question-13: What does the term “One Nation One Election” mean?

Answer. One Nation One Election refers to the simultaneous conduct of Lok Sabha and State Assembly elections, aligning electoral schedules at the national and state levels, and consolidating election processes.

Question-14: Why is there a need for One Nation One Election?

Answer. The need for One Nation One Election arises from the desire to reduce the frequency of elections, minimize public expenditure, streamline governance and policy implementation, and enhance administrative efficiency.

Question-15: Who constitutes the One Nation One Election Committee, and what is its role?

Answer. The One Nation One Election Committee, chaired by Ram Nath Kovind, includes members like Amit Shah, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, Ghulam Nabi Azad, NK Singh, Subhash C Kashyap, Harish Salve, and Sanjay Kothari. Its role is to examine the feasibility and implications of One Nation One Election.

Question-16: What makes One Nation One Election important?

Answer. One Nation One Election is important as it reduces policy paralysis, enhances stability in governance, saves public funds, and streamlines election-related processes for more efficient governance.

Question-17: What challenges does One Nation One Election face?

Answer. Challenges include the need for constitutional amendments, logistical issues, concerns about federalism, and legal hurdles, particularly outlined in Article 83(2) and 172.

Question-18: Which countries practice One Nation One Election?

Answer. While India historically practiced it. For now, this concept is working in Sweden, South Africa & Belgium. If India Adopts it again, then India will be fourth country to adopt it.

Question-19: What impact can the implementation of One Nation One Election have?

Answer. One Nation One Election could lead to improved governance efficiency, reduced election-related disruptions, and potential changes in political strategies.

Question-20: When was One Nation One Election historically practiced in India?

Answer. One Nation One Election was practiced in India from 1951-52 to 1967. Discussions about its implementation resurfaced in 1999 with a Law Commission report.

Question-21: Is One Nation One Election is a Good Idea or a Bad Idea?

Answer. Generally, One Nation One Election (ONOE) is considered a good idea as it addresses the problem of frequent elections, reducing government expenditure and policy disruptions. The concept promotes economic stability, enhances administrative efficiency, and fosters consistent policymaking.

However, some drawbacks include potential challenges to federalism, as states may lose autonomy in determining their election schedules. Critics argue that simultaneous elections may overshadow local issues, diluting the essence of representative democracy. While ONOE offers advantages in terms of resource optimization and stability, its impact on regional diversity and democratic principles requires careful consideration and thoughtful implementation.

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