India Booked the 3rd Place in Global Solar Energy Production

India Booked the 3rd Place in Global Solar Energy Production

What is the News? – India Become the Third Largest Solar Energy Producer Globally

India has emerged as the third-largest producer of solar power globally, outpacing Japan in 2023, according to a report by energy analytics agency Ember. Despite ranking fifth in installed power capacity, India’s solar production stood at 113 billion units (BU), exceeding Japan’s 110 BU.

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However, there exists a disparity between installed capacity and actual production due to fluctuations in demand and local factors. While solar energy constitutes 18% of India’s installed electricity, it only contributes 6.66% to actual production, as per NITI Ayog data.

India’s rise was facilitated by a 2% decline in Japan’s power demand in 2023, enabling India to close the gap. Surpassing the United States, the second-ranked producer, would necessitate India doubling its solar output to exceed 228 BU.

Globally, renewables, including solar and wind, accounted for 30% of electricity production in 2023, with China leading the charge. Ember anticipates a continued decline in fossil fuel generation, signaling a transformative shift towards renewable sources.

Source – The Hindu

20 Key Points about the news

  1. India surpassed Japan in 2023 to become the third-largest solar power producer globally.
  2. Ember’s report highlights India’s solar production at 113 billion units, exceeding Japan’s 110 billion units.
  3. Despite ranking fifth in installed power capacity, India’s solar output surged, reflecting favorable local conditions.
  4. The gap between installed capacity and actual production is attributed to demand fluctuations and local factors.
  5. NITI Ayog data reveals that solar energy comprises 18% of India’s installed electricity but only 6.66% of actual production.
  6. Japan’s 2% decline in power demand in 2023 facilitated India’s rise in solar power production.
  7. India’s goal to surpass the United States necessitates doubling its current solar output to exceed 228 billion units.
  8. Globally, renewables, including solar and wind, contributed 30% to electricity production in 2023.
  9. China emerged as the primary contributor to global renewable energy generation.
  10. Ember forecasts a continued decline in fossil fuel generation, signaling a shift towards renewables.
  11. The report indicates a transformative shift in global energy trends, with solar energy accelerating rapidly.
  12. India’s solar power growth aligns with global efforts to mitigate climate change and transition to cleaner energy sources.
  13. The surge in solar power production underscores India’s commitment to meeting its renewable energy targets.
  14. Renewable energy sources are increasingly becoming economically viable and competitive with traditional fossil fuels.
  15. India’s rise in solar power production reflects technological advancements and supportive government policies.
  16. Increased investment in renewable energy infrastructure is crucial to sustaining the momentum of solar power growth.
  17. Collaboration between governments, industry stakeholders, and international organizations is essential for advancing renewable energy goals.
  18. Renewable energy adoption contributes to energy security, environmental sustainability, and economic development.
  19. Addressing challenges such as grid integration and storage solutions is vital for maximizing the potential of solar energy.
  20. The shift towards renewables signifies a significant milestone in the global energy transition towards a sustainable future.

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