Operation Indravati UPSC - Operation Indravati 2024

India Launched Operation Indravati 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

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Naresh Soni

Operation Indravati 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Introduction to Operation Indravati UPSC

Welcome to PreCrack! Recently, Indian Government has started the Operation Indravati. Under this evacuation operation, Indian government is trying to evacuate the Indian residing in Haiti.

Knowing about evacuation operations started by Indian government is a crucial topic that you must be aware. This awareness helps aspirant to prepare for major competitive examinations in India such as UPSC, SSC or more. If you are preparing for these types of competitive examinations and want to know about Operation Indravati in details, then we have added all the information about Operation Indravati in this blog.

So, let’s start-

What is Operation Indravati? Operation Indravati UPSC. Complete details about Operation Indravati 2024, objectives, results, current status, Haiti Crisis, FAQs UPSC Questions, UPSC Current Affairs 2024
What is Operaion Indravati UPSC?

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Why Operation Indravati is in the News? – UPSC Current Affairs 2024

Operation Indravati is making headlines because India’s government has taken the initiative to evacuate their nationals from Haiti to the Dominican Republic amidst escalating security concerns in Haiti.

With gangs launching coordinated attacks and the situation worsening, India launched the operation, evacuating 12 individuals on the first day.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar affirmed India’s commitment to the safety of its citizens abroad. Despite not having an embassy in Haiti, India is closely monitoring the situation through its mission in the Dominican Republic. The operation underscores India’s proactive stance in safeguarding its citizens during challenging circumstances overseas.

Source – The Hindu

What is Operation Indravati? – Operation Indravati 2024

Operation Indravati 2024 is an evacuation mission launched by the Indian government in 21st of March 2024 to rescue its citizens from Haiti, a Caribbean nation facing widespread gang violence and political instability.

What is Operation Indravati? Operation Indravati UPSC. Complete details about Operation Indravati, objectives, results, current status, Haiti Crisis, FAQs UPSC Questions, UPSC Current Affairs 2024
12 Indian National Evacuated from Haiti to the Dominican Republic

Here’s details about Operation Indravati:

  • Goal: The operation aimed to ensure the safety and well-being of Indian nationals amidst the crisis in Haiti.
  • Destination: The Indian government evacuated its citizens to the Dominican Republic, a neighboring country.
  • Success: At least 12 Indians were successfully evacuated as part of this operation.
  • Government’s commitment: The operation highlighted the Indian government’s commitment to the security of its citizens abroad.

Objectives of Operation Indravati 2024 / Why Operation Indravati started?

Operation Indravati aims to evacuate Indian nationals from Haiti to the Dominican Republic amid escalating violence and instability. Initiated due to the deteriorating security situation and coordinated attacks by gangs, it reflects India’s commitment to ensuring the safety of its citizens abroad amidst challenging circumstances.

Result of Operation Indravati

The result of Operation Indravati was the successful evacuation of 12 Indian nationals from Haiti to the Dominican Republic. This action was taken in response to the deteriorating security situation in Haiti, demonstrating India’s proactive efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens abroad amidst escalating violence and instability.

Current status of Operation Indravati 2024

Till now, means 21st of March 2024, under Operation Indravati, India have successfully evacuated 12 Indian nationals from Haiti to the Dominican Republic amidst escalating violence and instability in Haiti.

There are around 90 Indian nationals are there in Haiti which of them 70 are registered. India is planning to evacuate all Indians residing in Haiti to Dominican Republic.

It reflects India’s dedication to ensuring the safety of its citizens abroad. Monitoring continues from Santo Domingo, as India remains prepared to evacuate all nationals if necessary.

What is Haiti Crisis? – Haiti Crisis UPSC

We have added a piece of summarized information about the Haiti Crisis for your understanding & it will also help in your UPSC Preparation-


Haiti crisis stems from a turbulent history of political instability, socioeconomic challenges, and natural disasters. Coups, disputed elections, and weak governance have perpetuated uncertainty. Moreover, frequent natural disasters exacerbate the nation’s vulnerabilities, compounding the humanitarian crisis.

Activated Criminal Gangs

Criminal gangs wield significant power in Haiti, controlling territories and engaging in extortion, drug trafficking, and violence. Their operations sow fear and insecurity among civilians, exacerbating the nation’s instability and impeding efforts to restore order.

Political Instability

Haiti’s political landscape is marked by frequent upheavals, including coups and disputed elections. Weak governance and a lack of effective institutions perpetuate instability, contributing to ongoing unrest and uncertainty about the nation’s future. And this is contributing to raise in Haiti Crisis

Security Threats

Rampant violence perpetrated by criminal gangs poses a grave security threat to Haitian citizens. Law enforcement agencies struggle to contain the escalating violence, exacerbating the sense of insecurity and instability across the country.

Immediate Crisis

The assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in July 2021 intensified political tensions and deepened the immediate crisis. With heightened insecurity, escalating gang violence, and ongoing political turmoil, Haiti faces urgent humanitarian needs and calls for international assistance to address the unfolding crisis.

FAQs – UPSC Questions on Operation Indravati

Question-1: What is Operation Indravati?

Answer. Operation Indravati is an evacuation mission initiated by the Indian government to evacuate Indian nationals from Haiti to the Dominican Republic amidst the deteriorating security situation in Haiti.

Question-2: What prompted the launch of Operation Indravati?

Answer. Operation Indravati was launched in response to escalating violence, instability, and security threats in Haiti, including coordinated attacks by criminal gangs, posing risks to the safety and well-being of Indian citizens residing in Haiti.

Question-3: How many Indian nationals were evacuated as part of Operation Indravati?

Answer. As part of Operation Indravati, 12 Indian nationals were successfully evacuated from Haiti to the Dominican Republic on the initial day of the operation.

Question-4: What measures are being taken to ensure the safety of Indian nationals amidst the Haiti crisis?

Answer. India has initiated Operation Indravati to evacuate its nationals from Haiti to the Dominican Republic, reflecting its commitment to ensuring their security and well-being. Additionally, the Indian mission in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, is monitoring the situation in Haiti.

Question-5: Is the Indian government prepared to evacuate all Indian nationals from Haiti if necessary?

Answer. Yes, the Indian government has affirmed its readiness to evacuate all Indian nationals from Haiti if the situation warrants. Efforts are underway to monitor the crisis closely and ensure the safety of Indian citizens amidst the challenging circumstances prevailing in Haiti.

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